Culture Of Honor Chapter 8 : Chapter 8 : Revolution To Reformation To Transformation “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea,” Habakkuk 2:14
Wk 10 - Culture of Honor 1) Jesus introduced His ministry by stating that He had been anointed to “proclaim liberty to the ____________________.” (Luke 4:18) Then He later commissioned all who would follow Him to do the __________________. Revolution To Reformation To Transformation
Wk 10 - Culture of Honor 1) Jesus introduced His ministry by stating that He had been anointed to “proclaim liberty to the captives.” (Luke 4:18) Then He later commissioned all who would follow Him to do the same. Revolution To Reformation To Transformation
Wk 10 - Culture of Honor 2) Revival ignites life in people to press against the _______________ and boundaries of society. Revolution To Reformation To Transformation
Wk 10 - Culture of Honor 2) Revival ignites life in people to press against the limitations and boundaries of society. Revolution To Reformation To Transformation
Wk 10 - Culture of Honor 3) We now expect to be ___________, living an abundant life in Christ until the kingdoms of this earth become the ______________ of our God. Revolution To Reformation To Transformation
Wk 10 - Culture of Honor 3) We now expect to be powerful, living an abundant life in Christ until the kingdoms of this earth become the Kingdom of our God. Revolution To Reformation To Transformation
Wk 10 - Culture of Honor Revolution = forcible, pervasive, and often violent change of a social or political order by a sizable segment of a country’s population. “...the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force,” Matthew 11:12 Revolution To Reformation To Transformation
Wk 10 - Culture of Honor Revolution = forcible, pervasive, and often violent change of a social or political order by a sizable segment of a country’s population. “...the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force,” Matthew 11:12 Reformation = to improve by correcting abuses. Revolution To Reformation To Transformation
Wk 10 - Culture of Honor 4) A reformation is something that comes and asks, “Why are you doing what you do? Do you realize it isn’t ___________________ ?” Revolution To Reformation To Transformation
Wk 10 - Culture of Honor 4) A reformation is something that comes and asks, “Why are you doing what you do? Do you realize it isn’t working ?” Transformation = a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance. Revolution To Reformation To Transformation
Wk 10 - Culture of Honor 5) Our transformation demonstrates to the _____________ that it’s something ___________. Revolution To Reformation To Transformation
Wk 10 - Culture of Honor 5) Our transformation demonstrates to the world that it’s something new. Revolution To Reformation To Transformation
Wk 10 - Culture of Honor Pastors : People Administrators : Things Teachers : Doctrine Evangelists : Salvation Message “And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, various kinds of tongues.” 1 Corinthians 12:27,28 Current Governments : Current Priorities
Wk 10 - Culture of Honor Apostles : Heaven Prophets : Spirit World Teachers : Articulating the Kingdom Workers of Miracles : Supernatural Activity of the Believers New Government : New Priorities
Wk 10 - Culture of Honor 6) In this government the priorities are about _____________, the ______________ of God, and the blueprint of Heaven being reproduced on earth. Revolution To Reformation To Transformation
Wk 10 - Culture of Honor 6) In this government the priorities are about Heaven, the presence of God, and the blueprint of Heaven being reproduced on earth. Revolution To Reformation To Transformation
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