Assoc. Prof. Piniti Ratananuku, Ph.D. Assoc. Prof. Piniti Ratananuku, Ph.D. Inspector General Office of Permanent Secretary Ministry of education
ASEAN COMMUNITY BY ASEAN Economic Community ASEAN Political- Security Community ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community One Vision, One Identity, One Community Cooperation within ASEAN & ASEAN Dialogue Partners
ROLE OF EDUCATION To develop human resources through closer cooperation in education and life-long learning, and in science and technology, for the empowerment of the peoples of ASEAN and for the strengthening of the ASEAN Community.To develop human resources through closer cooperation in education and life-long learning, and in science and technology, for the empowerment of the peoples of ASEAN and for the strengthening of the ASEAN Community. ASEAN Charter: Article 1, No. 10 To develop human resources through closer cooperation in education and life-long learning, and in science and technology, for the empowerment of the peoples of ASEAN and for the strengthening of the ASEAN Community.To develop human resources through closer cooperation in education and life-long learning, and in science and technology, for the empowerment of the peoples of ASEAN and for the strengthening of the ASEAN Community. ASEAN Charter: Article 1, No. 10 Strengthen the role of education in building the ASEAN Community by 2015Strengthen the role of education in building the ASEAN Community by 2015 Forge a common identity and building a caring and sharing society which is inclusive and where the well-being, livelihood, and welfare of the peoples are enhancedForge a common identity and building a caring and sharing society which is inclusive and where the well-being, livelihood, and welfare of the peoples are enhanced Declaration on Strengthening Cooperation on Education 3
“The working language of ASEAN shall be English.” ASEAN Charter: Article 34 “The working language of ASEAN shall be English.” ASEAN Charter: Article 34 CHALLENGES: ASEAN MEDIUM OF COMMUNICATION 4 In primary schools, Mathematics and Science are taught and examined in English. In primary schools, Mathematics and Science are taught and examined in English. In national primary schools, Mathematics and Science are taught in English. In national primary schools, Mathematics and Science are taught in English. The present constitution, ratified in 1987 stated that Filipino and English are both the official languages of the country.
CHALLENGES: REGIONAL CONTEXT ASEAN Community Free flow of workforce Mutual recognition of academic & professional qualifications Free flow of education services Cross-border education Need for international - standard H.E. 5
Measures Study of international rules and regulations Analysis of impact and benefits for Thai higher education Set up of university performance assessment system Capacity building of Thai higher education Promotion of closer collaboration with ASEAN countries 6 Go with the flow and watchful of free & open trade’s impact Preparation of higher education sector to cope with ASEAN Community FRAMEWORK OF THE SECOND 15-YEAR LONG RANGE PLAN ON H.E. ( )
BOLOGNA PROCESS Facilitation of mobility of faculty, students, professionals through… Comparable QA Systems and student achievementsComparable QA Systems and student achievements Mutual recognition of qualificationsMutual recognition of qualifications European States EU Member States
Research and graduate universities Four-year universities and liberal arts colleges Community colleges Specialised universities and comprehensive universities 8 Teaching Research Providing academic services Preserving and Promotion of arts & culture Each subsystem would serve national priorities and strategies as well as addressing global, national, regional and local demands. THAILAND PRACTICE: CATERGORISATION OF HEIs
9 Increased mobility of academics and students Education experience in international environment Cross-cultural communication Internationalisation of Higher Education Challenge in driving Thailand toward Education Hub THAILAND POSITIONING
Understanding of ASEAN frameworks and regulations Direction and development plans to enhance Thailand’s competitiveness Readiness to reap benefits from ASEAN Community ASEAN AS STRATEGIC PARTNER 10
Quality Assurance NQF Diploma Supplement Credit Transfer Mutual Recognition of Degrees and Qualifications Movement of professionals among ASEAN countries 11 Major to driving force for regional integration Common quality mechanisms Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) ASEAN HARMONISATION
Students, Faculty, Researchers Mobility and Mutual Recognitions of Degrees and Qualification International Employability ASEAN Integration OPPORTUNITY12
A Study on Higher Education Strategy for the ASEAN Community M-I-T Student Mobility Programme Retreat meeting between high ranking officials in charge of higher education in ASEAN and Office of the Higher Education Commission, Thailand The First Conference on Pioneering ASEAN Higher Education Research Clusters INITIATIVES INITIATIVES13
Source: ASEAN Secretariat ( ASEAN University Network ( SEAMEO RIHED ( Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( Office of the Higher Education Commission ( Thank You 14