The Purpose of the Class In this class, we will be writing. We will explore the writing process. We will learn what does it take to write well. We will read. Why? Simply because writers read.
What You Will Need This is an online class, but there are some things you will need at home. a folder with prongs for you printed handouts a composition notebook(unless you only type them up) Computer and internet access
Grades will be based on work completion rather than creativity. effort made towards improving rather than raw talent. positive attitude rather than award winning essays. honest self evaluation of each students growth.
Grades continued Weekly assignments 25% of your grade Writing/ Reflection Sheets 35% of your grade Six Trait Direct Writing Assessments 60% of your grade
How the Class Works Each week view power point for each lesson Complete the written work and to the teacher Print out any handouts to add to your folder Complete the assignment posted
We’re going to have a great class!