Product 1
The marketing mix Product is just one part of the marketing mix, which is also known as the 4Ps: Product Price Place Promotion 2
Product ‘ Product’ refers to the functions and features of a good or service. It should satisfy the needs of the customer It may have a Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Real or perceived benefit of a good or service that differentiates it from the competing brands and gives its buyer a logical reason to prefer it over other brands. USP is often a critical component of a promotional theme around which an advertising campaign is builtbenefitservicecompetingbrands buyerlogicalcomponentadvertising campaign ‘ 3
Product’ also includes a range of factors such as packaging, quality, warranties, after-sales service and branding. Products and brands may suggest certain images e.g. sporty, sophisticated, value. 4 Product Brand Design Color Packiging Quality After sales services Warranties Delivery Test
Definition of «Grocery product « «Non grocery product « Prodotto generico Prodotto atteso Prodotto potenziale Prodotto utilità 5 Pag 156
Mrs Oldoni What do you know about the brand « MADE in ITALY» 6
Mrs Oldoni 7
Product lifecycle The product lifecycle looks at the sales of a product over time 8
Stages of the product lifecycle Development – high costs but no sales Launch – high expenditure on promotion and product development, low sales Growth – sales increase and product should break even Maturity – sales stabilise, less expenditure on promotion needed, revenue & profit should be high Decline – sales decline, extension strategies can be adopted or the product withdrawn 9
Extension strategies Extension strategies should maintain or increase sales. They include: Modifying the product Reducing the price Adding a feature Promoting to a different market sector Extension strategies 10
Read Kellog’s case study 11
Case study 12
Case study 16
All bran positioning 17
Don’t forget strategies about PACKAGING esempi-di-packaging-creativo/ NAMING (look at Mrs Masoch’s lesson ) h/0%205C%20e%205D%20a.s.% /Approfondimento%20-%20NAMING.pdf 18