2016 | Hong Kong Global Student Technology Competition
Create & Live Your BRAND Hong Kong
More people are playing games, and they're playing them everywhere: on their computers, on consoles, on their phones and mobile devices. The Imagine Cup Games Competition is a global contest for the best new student games. The next big thing could come from you. Facebook started as a student project. Twitter was created by an undergraduate. Your ideas could be next. The Imagine Cup Innovation Competition is a global contest for the most original student applications. Find a problem in the world, even in your own life or community, that affects many people, and then work to solve it. Build a project that could change lives. The Imagine Cup World Citizenship Competition is a global contest for the best software to address social issues. INNOVATION WORLD CITIZENSHI P GAME 3 Competition Categories
Chance to Compete in World Final to be held in SEATTLE First Place: HKD$20,000 Cash Award Second Place: HKD$10,000 Cash Award Third Place: HKD$5,000 Cash Award World Champion: USD$50,000 + Tickets & Hotels for the Seattle Journey The Winners Glory to grow your project
the past winners
World Citizenship
National Final Round – Hong Kong 13 April 2016 Grand Hall, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks