Welcome to KMS
The National Survey and Cadastre - Denmark Name and Department
Programme 9.00 – 9.30Introduction
History The National Survey and Cadastre - Denmark (KMS) was founded in 1989 by the merger of The Geodetic Institute - a non - military agency under the Ministry of Defence employees The Danish Cadastral Department - a department under the Ministry of Agriculture employees The Hydrographic Department - a department in the Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography - 50 employees Line Ministry: The Ministry of the Environment
Field af Activity
The Role of KMS Denmark’s main provider of infrastructure information via maps and geodata To coordinate public surveying, mapping, charting and registration of spatial information. KMS is the government authority in Denmark responsible for surveying, mapping, charting cadastral registration and authorization of licensed surveyors Government research institute for mapping and geodata
Financial Statement 2004 Mio. DK Appropriation174.6 Operating Income110,3 Total 284,9 Wages and Salaries156,0 Operating costs, Including Depreciations110,7 Total 266,7 Number of man years 338
Staff Categories 2003 Distribution of 344 man years 7 % Others 33 % Academics 12 % Clerical Staff 4 % Management 44 % Cartographers and Map Technicians
Human Resources Policy - ”A Holistic View" Recruitment Equal Gender Opportunities Wage Policy Appraisal Interviews Training and Development Alcohol Policy Working Environment Source: Personnel Policy, March 2000 The ”Social Contract” Flexible Working Arrangements The KMS Social Network Smoking Policy Senior Policy Resignations
Products Web Map Service Historical Maps Aerial Photos Nautical Charts and Corrections to Nautical Charts Nautical Charts Data TOP10DK (The Digital Topographic Data Base) The Geodetic Reference Points Cadastral Maps and Boundary Measurements Property Data - Digital Cadastral Maps and Information The Parcel Register
Possible applications Basis for GI Land use Cartographic presention Presentation of Maps on Internet Planning Administration - and much more