Size turnover: 2 bill. / 250 mio. ECU profit 70 mio. / 9 mio. ECU staff: 2400 Customers all local authorities most regional authorities. many state departments some private few international Business areas law implementation internal administration ASP Ownership Ltd 1 share holder, Association of Local Authorities Established 1973 origins from 1960’s
Democracy and efficiency is increased through Local Authonomy ! Because: Local Authorities and Regions are closest to the citizens democracy works better at local level than at national and European level Can IT communication between citizens and local authorities defend or support Local Self- Government ??
Facts about local authorities and regions in Scandinavia from Sweden self government in constitution local and regional income tax in constitution election turnout in 1998 was 78% 75% of all public services 21% of GDP 80% self financing employer for 30% of all labor
Tasks and duties for Local and Regional Authorities Helth care Social security Service to elderly and Disabled Pre-school Comprehensive school Upper secondary school Planning Environmental protection Streets / roads Public transsport Water and sewerage Culture and art
Presure on Local Authorities size demographic development
Presure from Size
Presure from demographic development
IT-tools to improve communication between citizens and local authorities According to major e-Government and e-Democracy objectives and concerns regarding: transparency interactivity efficiency
”All those Portals” Horisontal Vertical
What is the Portal? News Almost 2000 themes (links to laws and rules) Electronic formulas in.pdf format (65) Electronic selfservices Agendas & reports from the city council Search engine Electronic subscription “Text only”-version (disables) Add on applications
eGovernment objectives Transparency Interactivity Efficiency
Transparancy = Broadcasting Council meetings –agenda’s, papers, protocols –video tranmissions Information regarding general elections Open mailing lists
Open Mailing List (Vissenbjerg Municipality) selection criteiea file entry information klick for display of scanned or electronic document
Transparency Interactivity Efficiency
Interactivity = One stop shop Self service systems individual service for the citizen citizen services himself 24 hours, 7 days from home (no transport, no waiting line)
Preconditions for self service solutions combination with back office systems –work flow systems –databases security –against unauthorised access to data –against destruction of data userfriendly dialogue and help facilities
”NetCitizen” menu curtains (public citizen service) news self service forms info actual highlights: one-stop address change information on real estate assessment
self service calculation of housing allowance guide for address change situation calculation of free place in kinder garden calculation of pension health insurance
Health Insurance change doctor change insurance group request certificate
”NetCitizen” electronic forms
kids housing allowance death mariage pensions population registration students allowance tax and customs environment real estate more than 70 individual forms
Address change notification to Population Registration Office (electronic form in Acrobat Reader)
Digital signature condition for citizens reliance on electronic administration (privacy etc.) legislation not enough, active public strategy required general principle: one digital signature per citizen based upon public key infrastructure with guaranteed certificates software / hardware solution (number or chip card) ? start with software solution and await convergency of rapid technological development
e-Government objectives Transparency Interactivity Efficiency
Efficiency – where does it come from? the citizens are doing tedious and labour consuming work (data entry) information can be processed and delivered in electronic form employees can concentrate on more difficult cases easy to share capacity between LA’s
Efficiency - examples examples from net citizen –e-forms connected with workflow systems –self reporting of income information for tax calculation –guide for change of address e-procurement, e-payment sharing of expertice for instance on personal taxation e-box
The average household in Denmark receives 230 letters each year from private and public enterprises E-boks delivers your window envelopes electronically
after having been given a digital signature the citizen can choose enterprises from a list then all mail from these enterprises will end up in safe mailbox in authentic form for personal display, printing or saving
% 10% 15% 25% 35% E-Boks forecast of % of window envelopes
Mill. 20 Mill. 40 Mill. Expected turnover
Can we get the communication started ???
The circumstances for e- communication: 72% of population has access to InterNet 52% of households has access to InterNet all local authorities have Portal on the InterNet
Actual experience with e- communication: general election 1997 real estate evaluation net-citizen e-box
Promotion necessary