Nikki Tilson – Assessment and Achievement Adviser (Nursery and Primary) Assessment Update September 2015
KS1 and KS tests Video and presentation on GOV.UK Scaled score – raw scores are equated to a scaled score with 100 being the national standard KS1 – end of May a conversion table made available to transfer raw scores into scaled scores to inform TA KS2 – tests results will be published in July. Raw score, scaled score and confirmation of attainment of national standard for each pupil Samples, instructions and frameworks are all available on GOV.UK
Key Stage 1 tests Reading – 2 tests, all do both: one with combined question and answers, one with separate booklets for text and answer GPS – grammar paper and spelling test Maths - paper 1 - Arithmetic test and a mathematical reasoning test
Key Stage 2 tests 2016 No L6 tests – all pupils do all tests Reading – 1 paper, 3-4 texts GPS – 2 papers: 1 st grammar, 2 nd spelling Maths – 3 papers: mental maths replaced with an arithmetic test and 2 reasoning papers
EYFS assessments 3 reception baseline suppliers – EExBA, CEM (BASE) and NFER Accountability measure for whole school progress Reception baseline sits within broader assessment of children’s development Last year of EYFS Profile in June 2016, but EYFS and ELGs remain statutory On-entry assessments continue as normal and as early as is reasonably possible to capture progress
DfE assessment update Please make sure your details are correct on edubase, and that you receive STA assessment updates. Test dates: 9 th May KS2 and 13 th June PSC Announcement re TA expected within 2 weeks ARA in PDF form online at end of September Test review outcomes are on NCA tools
Proposed changes to Raise Online Question level analysis will be published for the KS2 tests There will be 3 reports for PSC 1.% of all yr2 pupils who passed the check 2.Yr 1 and yr2 marks for pupils who didn’t pass in yr2 3.A 2 year trend for Yr1 PSC outcomes SEN codes (no SEN, schools support, EHC plan) % of pupils with more than 1 fixed term exclusion
OFSTED and assessment Teaching, learning and assessment “When considering the school’s records for the progress of current pupils, inspectors will recognise that schools are at different points in their move to adopting a system of assessment without NC levels.” Recording achievement has changed but attainment hasn’t actually dropped. Keep articulating progress, pursuit of challenge and deepening knowledge, aspirational targets etc
STAR so far….. Assessment Conference Further work – Science, year 7, any necessary changes in response to feedback and DfE Transfer from levels to steps this term and fill in gaps but always keep eyes on end of year statements. Assessment and Curriculum Forum 15 th Oct p.m. (STAR for schools who haven’t attended a.m.)
Termly Summary of Pupil Achievement Based on STAR Similar to the old Termly Summary in a few ways, but some significant differences Provides a summary overview of Y1 to Y6 pupil achievement and group level data Useful evaluation and planning tool & can be used with: School staff, SLT, Governors Ofsted, Senior adviser, even! New and improved! Vast majority of key calculations are automatic Key group gap calculations, e.g. FSM/non-FSM
Termly Summary of Pupil Achievement Summarises pupil attainment & progress using a range of measures (a more rounded judgement): % of pupils at age-related expectations (ARE) % working at greater depth and/or above ARE Average Point Score attainment compared to the changing ARE each term (a likely gap) Tracks how gap to ARE narrows/closes both in year and since KS1 % making typical, rapid or no progress
Termly Summary of Pupil Achievement Range of measures (cont) Groups - uses same measures for usual groups plus HAs, MAs and LAs from the end of the previous key stage Calculates, automatically, gaps between groups and non-groups in %s and in APS Next steps To be introduced to Assessment and Curriculum forum on 15 th Oct 2015 Breakfast workshops planned
KS1 moderation was best when… Tests and tasks were completed before the visit Staff had moderated internally and externally Well organised for the visit and inclusion of other staff Good range of evidence: independent samples, no ceiling approach, curriculum links, current reading books Maths L3 - higher numbers, two step problems, investigation and reasoning, systematic thinking, HT responsible for robust moderation processes Huge thank you to all school moderators in EYFS, KS1 and KS2