Bunjil Parent Information Night 2016
1/2 C Mrs Christine Hulse – 1/2 Team Leader 1/2 R Ms Leigh Renes 1/2 B Mrs Kathy Braysmith 1/2 D Miss Nikki Dunne Ms Julia Murphy – Speech Pathologist Mr Chris Johnstone – Teacher Aide Bunjil Staff
Communication Notices will be in children’s blue book bag. Check Skoolbag and/or the school blog for digital versions Homework Nightly reading to be recorded in Yellow Read It book Magic words or 2 spelling activities per week May be additional tasks related to our Inquiry units Spelling/Magic words are tested once a week each Friday Support Those children identified as needing extra assistance with language will continue to be supported by Julia Murphy and/or Chris Johnstone who has recently completed PD in the STA (Speech Therapy Assistance Program) General Information
Two Hours per Day made up of Reading, Writing, Spelling and Handwriting CAFÉ Reading Explicit lesson on a specific reading strategy which children then put into practice Read to Self (15/20 minutes sustained reading) Teachers conference with students during Read To Self to set individual reading goals Literacy Choices: Read to Someone/Buddy Reading Listen to Reading (Reading Eggs) Teachers work with strategy groups with group of students with a shared reading goal Literacy
VOICES Writing Explicit daily writing lesson with a focus on: Vocabulary/Inspiration for writing Planning Draft Proofreading/Editing Final sharing of completed piece through Authors circle Weekly Formal Handwriting Lesson Spelling Weekly phonics lesson focusing on individual phonemes VOICES
Three strands in Mathematics - Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability Five hours per week consisting of two class based lessons and three ability based lessons (Bunjil Maths) Class based lessons focus on daily practice of numeracy skills (i.e. counting patterns) and topics such as time or shape What is Bunjil Maths? Differentiated learning - allowing students to be supported and challenged Fluid – the groups are informed by ongoing assessment. Our initial assessment tool is Essential Assessment Online. Assessment is ongoing and includes pre and post assessments allowing us to ensure your child continues to be challenged or supported in their learning. Numeracy
A typical lesson: Number fluency – number game, counting songs, online maths games Teaching component – modelling the new concept, building on prior understanding Activity – individual or group task; teacher focussed group Reflection Mathletics - in school and at home What you can do at home: Help your child understand how maths is used in everyday life! Numeracy
Our Inquiry program is based on a whole school approach which we cover over a two year cycle. Each term the entire school’s Inquiry unit is based on the same topic and is adapted to each level. This term our topic is Connected Communities This year we are also exploring: Stimulating Science Raw to Ready (Sustainability) It‘s About Time (History) Inquiry
Weekly specialist classes are provided in Art, Music, Technology and Korean/CLIL. A handout outlining the content of these classes will be provided at the conclusion of this session. If you have any further questions please make an appointment with the relevant specialist teacher. A weekly one hour PE session is taught by classroom teachers and is aligned with Victorian Curriculum content and outcomes. Children also participate in a swimming program in Term 2 and production dance in Term 3. Specialist Classes
Parent Helpers are a welcome and valued part of the Bunjil team. With your support we are able to further meet the needs of your children. This term we have a number of volunteers supporting the Literacy Program. Other areas we will need help with during the year are swimming next term, production in term 3 and excursions. Questions???? Thank You