Workforce Development Team (Adults)
What we aim to cover today! Part 1: Michelle Vinall: Workforce Development Manager Background, observations since joining CCC, sector legislative and policy drivers influencing change in the WFD team offer. Free resources available to support you with your WFD needs Care Certificate: myths and realities Part 2: Ruth Heard: External Development Coordinator Theresa Morrow: Home Care Development Manager Recruitment and Retention How we can work together to meet the challenges ahead
Direction of travel : our ‘evolving’ training offer Recognise the challenges for the PVI sector Want to ensure our training offer is responsive, fits role and responsibilities at all levels and career progression Support organisations to work to sector requirements, and respond positively to incoming changes Make sense of conflicting messages /competing demands and agree that Cambridgeshire work to a ‘best practice’ minimum for workforce development that is effective to ensure and maintain quality services
So what is currently ‘on offer’ or in development that you may not be aware of? Currently available: Places left on the Care Certificate related training in Jan/Feb Strengths based conversations : 01 Feb 2016 Outcome focused support planning: In development: Communication training, L1 Food Hygiene, Professional Boundaries, Social Care Values A new WFD training brochure for 2016/17 to provide the learning and development offer overview in one place!
Free resources: So what else is out there to help you…do you know? A whistle stop tour of good practice external websites: Skills for Care Social Care institute of excellence Our Workforce Development team training offer: Learn Together Cambridgeshire:
The Care Certificate: what is your reality? Activity: Table top discussion: 15 mins What have your challenges been…if any? How do you manage inductions for staff new to your organisation but not new to the sector? Any questions /areas you want to discuss ? Any good practice /positives you want to share?
Care Certificate: holistic observations The observation spreadsheet handout contains all areas that have to be observed within the care certificate: it can also be used as a recording template. Can you work in small groups to consider 2 or 3 real work activities that could be ‘holistically’ assessed to cover as many as possible. You need to consider that some activities may involve working with their line/manager/supervisor in relation to their personal development as well as working directly with people who use your services
Recruitment and Retention
NMDS Retention Data All services turnover rate:
NMDS Retention data Home Care data:
Strategy Development Appointment of Homecare Development Manager
Homecare Development Manager- In a nutshell Introduction Providing support to the Commissioned Homecare sector in putting effective workforce strategies which will assist in recruiting and retaining well trained staff able to meet the needs of people. Main focus of my work will be to develop strategies in the following areas: Leadership and Management – Clear career pathways and progression routes Recruitment and Retention – making links with Skills for Care, the National Apprenticeship Scheme, Jobcentre Plus, Adult Community Learning and CCC Workforce Development Team to raise an awareness of employment opportunities across the sector. Community and Health: Improving links between Homecare Providers, Care Homes, Voluntary Sector, GP’s and Schools to enhance people’s lives and wellbeing. Raising the profile of the sector: developing The Expert Worker to adopt approaches which support specialist skills particularly those that impact upon the interface between Health and Social Care.
How do we recruit and retain workers who have attitudes essential for a caring and compassionate workforce. Activity: Group activity 10mins Recruitment: 1. How have you managed/achieved successful recruitment? 2. What challenges/barriers do you face in recruiting staff? 3. What can be done to overcome these challenges/barriers? Retention: 1. How are you retaining your workforce? 2. What challenges/barriers do you face in retaining staff? 3. What could be done to improve these challenges/barriers?
Next steps… What are we going to achieve in 18 months Provider engagement platforms: Locality Provider Meetings, Registered Managers’ Network, Provider Forums, Locality Rationalisation meeting and Training Consortium. Development of Recruitment and Retention working group? Resources: Campaigns – strengthening our relationship with Jobcentre Plus, Schools & FEs and local media Finding the right workers Inductions – how often are we doing inductions; can we think of doing inductions collectively? I Care…Ambassadors – Link with other Local Authorities (Norfolk and Suffolk)
Next steps… What are we going to achieve in 18 months (…continued) People Performance Management Toolkit: – mentoring, appraisals, supervisions, finding what motivates workers – any incentives? What are we learning from exit interviews? Training? people-living-in-their-own-homes Leadership and Management: management.aspx
Dates for the diary People Performance Management Workshop: Cambridge 17 February 2016 At: Holiday Inn, 10:00 to 12:30 (Registration 09:45) Workshop.aspx Workshop.aspx Upcoming Job Fairs: Cambridge 23rd March, 2016 At: Cambridge Guildhall, 10am to 2pm Peterborough 1st April, 2016 At: The Bull Hotel Westgate, 10am to 2pm Cambridge 7th September, 2016 At: Cambridge Guildhall, 10am to 2pm
Employer Workshop; Recruit, Retain, Develop 23 rd February: CPDC, Trumpington 21 st April : Young People, March Topics to be covered: Values Based Recruitment Workplace Culture Qualifications and funding routes Career Pathways
Contact Details Michelle Vinall, Workforce Development Manager Ruth Heard, External Development Coordinator: Theresa Morrow, Home Care Development Manager Web links Learn Together Cambridgeshire: