Proposal for routing of ATLAS TAXS region HL-LHC WP8
Interferences in Run configuration-Machining of JFC3. Interferences in Standard opening- Modification of the JTT. Impact on Beam pipe support. Provide support for LUCID: Addressed items
Opening JFC3
Access to vacuum equipment
Services routing
Section >> 2000 mm2 for cabling+ gaz piping Bellows positioning to define Machining of JFC3 reduced as much as possible (No in-situ machining New JTT Interferences in Standard opening Interferences in Standard opening- Modification of the JTT. Impact on Beam pipe support.
Interference with ATLAS JTT opening. D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting 9
Interferences in Standard opening Modification of the JTT. Impact on Beam pipe support.
Shielding related activities LS2 Machining grooves in JFS3U (octogone) to allow space for services Machining of JFC3 (pockets) to allow space for the VAX and IP side Machining of JFC2 (grooves) to allow insertion of carbon steel rails & plates that will allow the displacement of the new plug inside JTT LS3 Removal of JTT shielding. Removal of the rails system, modification. Machining of JTT shielding or new piece (preferred option), Manufacturing of the borated polyethylene (search EDMS ATL-JT for technical specifications) New internal plug for JTT