Mr. Schoff
Varangians appeared ▪ Russians used this word for Vikings ▪ Olga, Vladimir names connected
Cyrillic Alphabet developed Two Greek monks Cyril and Methodius Wanted to translate the Bible into Slavic language Became written script for Russia
Princess Olga of Kiev converted to Christianity Influences the rest of Russia to convert Spread Christianity throughout Russia
Yaroslav the Wise ruled Kiev Golden Age under him Arranged marriages, written law code like Justinian, translated Greek into his own language
Kiev declined Russian trade weakened from Byzantine downturn Families battled for throne ▪ Mongols ended the struggle!
Golden Horde invaded Russia Named that from the color of their tents Leader was Genghiz Khan, “World Emperor” Ruled Russia for next 240 years ▪ Heavy tributes, but tolerant, trade increased, peace between China-E. Europe, but cut off from W. Europeans’ advances in arts and sciences
Moscow defeated Golden Horde Battle of Kulikovo Mongols power faded
Ivan III (the Great) ruled Moscow Recovered Russian lands from Slavs Built framework for absolute rule Took title of czar ▪ Like the highest God
Ivan IV (the Terrible) began reign of terror Grandson of Ivan the Great Extreme absolute rule – unstable, killed his own son, violent, destroyed towns that were unsupportive Oprichniki – agents of terror, black robes, black horses, dogs’ head + broom
Time of Troubles Peasant uprisings, succession disputes, foreign invasions
Michael Romanov elected czar 17 years old Established long-lasting Romanov dynasty, didn’t end until 1917