The Church’s Expansion and Growth Ms. Regan Church History
Christianity East and West Monastic life was only ONE way that Christians lived in the 9 th centuries Constantinople-emperor continued to rule 537-Justinian consecrated a great church (lined with polished marble and modeled after one of the finest buildings at the time) Named “Hagia Sophia” which means “Holy Wisdom” VERY different than the simplistic monasteries
Formation of Churches and New Christians When persecutions ended, many temples were transformed into churches. Used architecture to convey what Christianity at the time stood for (PROTECTION and STABILITY.) Tribes in the North and East start to become Christian and their followers joined Christianity as well This presents a problem-new Christians accept Christianity only because their ruler does
Marks of the Church Church leaders felt the need to formalize beliefs and practices of the Church Church felt the need to be united and uniform. With a partner, research, define and discuss what it means to be One Holy Catholic Apostolic
Major Christian Centers Largest cities in the Empire become major Christian centers Leaders of Christian communities are given the title of PATRIARCHS Church in Rome is still the head of the Church but remember, the patriarch in Constantinople had a lot of power 5 th century- we see the division between East and West grow greater. (East=Greek, West=Latin) Eastern Churches flourish while the West focuses on keeping out foreign invasions
Christianity Meets Islam Who was the founder of the Muslim faith? What did he believe? What is the significance of the hijrah for Mulisms? Why was the Battle of Tours important?
Christianity Meets Islam Early 7 th century new religious movement begins in Arabia Impacts both Eastern and Western Christianity (Gregory the Great is the pope.) Arabian society at the time was tribal and lived among Jews and Christians caravan driver in Mecca (centrally located town) claimed to be speaking directly to the one true God.
Christianity Meets Islam Many followed him and his followers became Muslims (people who submit to God’s will.) In a migration called the hijrah, Muslims left Mecca and made their way to a city called Medina (occurred in 622 and marks the beginning of the Muslim calendar.) Within one hundred years, Muslims controlled lands from the Atlantic Ocean in the West to portions of India in the east.
Islamic View of Others Muslims placed Jews and Christians in a difference category than nonbelievers Islamic worldview = Christians and Jews believe in the one, true God and therefore are “people of the book.” People of the book: had people who spoke to God and had Scripture containing God’s word However, Muslims believe that Jews and Christians corrupted the original message of the prophets.
Conversion and Control Many Christians converted to Islam in Muslim controlled areas Non-Muslims had to pay taxes that Muslims did not. Enthusiasm around this new religion that everyone was converting to! Islam was spreading quickly!
The Christian Experience Augustine is back!! Concept of grace “Grace is the participation in the life of God” Christian liturgical calendar is created. Seasons of the year are “Christianized” Advent, Christmas, Lent, Triduum, Easter, Ordinary Time Russian monk (Dionysius Exiguus) creates new way of dating history A.D. (ANNO DOMINI) B.C. (BEFORE CHRIST)
The Work of Missionaries Mission of the Church: To further God’s reign in the world by sharing the good news with those who have not heard it. Without missionaries, Germany, France and England would not have been the European strongholds that they were. Today you will be doing group work about key missionaries figures in Ireland and England.
Conversion of Ireland Saint Patrick Apostle of Ireland Grandson of a priest/son of a deacon in Britian Was captured by Irish pirates at 18 and lived as a slave for six years. Spends 30 yeas traveling across Ireland doing missionary work Blends Irish Celtic culture with Christianity Ireland gained the title “Isle of the Saints”
Conversion of England