People are continuously faced w/choices that can have positive or negative effects on their total health When faced with a tough decision it may help to break down the decision into smaller steps
Be sure you have a firm grasp on the problem How did it develop? Who else is involved? How much time until a decision HAS to be made?
Seek out others who might be a source of helpful ideas
Consider the positive & negative outcomes of each option Is it safe/legal? Are the risks reasonable? How will it effect my total health? How will it effect others? Will it lead to other problems? Goal-setting = making decision that will help you meet a goal you have in mind
What is important to YOU? Values are ideas, beliefs, and attitudes that help guide the way you live. For example: If family and friends are important to you, you may value things like caring and respect.
Use all information to decide which course to take – then DO IT! Important to remember YOU’RE NOT PERFECT Timing may be critical make a deadline May need to start over if you find something new or run out of time
What was the outcome? How did it differ from what I expected? What have I learned for next time? (decision – making model activity)
Goals = things you aim for that take planning and work. How do you see yourself in the future? What would you like to accomplish? What grades do you hope to earn by the end of your freshman year? By the end of your senior year? Do you want to go to college?
SHORT TERMLONG TERM Can be accomplished quickly For example: finish my paper by Friday Drink 6 bottles of water/day Call for more extended time and planning For example: Be able to run 5 miles by the end of the school year Get straight A’s all year 360 º flip kick
1. Set a specific, realistic goal and write it down! 2. List the steps you will take to reach your goal. 3. Identify sources of help and support. 4. Set a reasonable time frame for achieving your goal. 5. Evaluate your progress by establishing checkpoints. 6. Reward yourself for achieving your goal!