Presentation at the Workshop Held on the 07 th April 2011 Lisema Lekhooana
PAF OBJECTIVES To serve as a tool to measure sector performance on selected indicators which represents key sector performance areas. To provide evidence that investments are actually achieving the intended developments. To influence Government and donors in deciding on priority areas for support.
STRATEGIC PRIORITY AREAS FOR Urban Domestic Water Rural Water Supply Domestic Sanitation Institutional and Capacity Development
SECTOR PERFOMANCE INDICATORS ACCESS TO RURAL WATER SUPPLY: Proportion of the rural households using piped water and public boreholes as their main source of drinking water. ACCESS TO URBAN WATER SUPPLY: Proportion of the urban households using piped water as their main source of drinking water.
SECTOR PERFOMANCE INDICATORS (cont.) ACCESS TO RURAL SANITATION: Proportion of the rural households using in their place of residence a sewage system, septic tank, own VIP or own latrine. ACCESS TO URBAN SANITATION: Proportion of the rural households using in their place of residence a sewage system, septic tank, own VIP or own latrine.
CHALLENGES and POTENTIAL CONSTRAINTS Harmonization of Sector Information and analysis Stakeholder Capacity for Monitoring and Evaluation especially key sector departments and agencies. Stakeholder information flow Donor Coordination and agreement to common approaches
Khotso Pula Nala