Heart of Darkness Close Reading
Page 18 How does Marlow feel about his transportation and its company? What words tell you this? What is the man of war ship doing? “…the uniform somberness of the coast, seemed to keep me away from the truth of things…”. Infer what is meant by this passage. What does the word “lugubrious” mean? How many days travel until he reached the river?
Page 19 What does the Swede captain tell Marlow? Describe what Marlow observes of the Company Station? Use words from the text. “The cliff was not in the way or anything; but this objectless blasting was all the work going on.” Infer what Marlow means. How are the indigenous people described?
Page 20 “You know I am not particularly tender…for a moment I stood appalled…” by what? What does Marlow mean by this? Research Dante’s “Inferno”; what is the allusion. What is Marlow’s impression of the indigenous people?
Page 21 What is near the tree that catches Marlow’s attention? How does he feel about this, how can you tell? What contrast can be made with the accountant as observed by Marlow? What words tell you this?
Page 22 How long is Marlow here? About what does the accountant tell Marlow? Why does the accountant like Kurtz? Why does the accountant not want to send a written message? What does this say about the people working for the company?
Page 23 By what method and how far is Marlow now to travel? What does Marlow observe on this journey? Use words from the text. How long does take him to get to Central Station?
Page 24 What news does Marlow receive about his “steamer” boat? For what reason might the manager himself have acted this way? “His eyes, of the usual blue, were perhaps remarkably cold, and he certainly could make his glance fall on one as trenchant and heavy as an axe.” What is meant by “usual blue”? In juxtaposition with the eyes are the bolded words. What tone do these words convey about the manager and his representation of the Company?