Main Sense organ is skin A Worm’s skin is very sensitive to moisture, temperature, touch, and light. The worm breathes by taking air out of the wet soil directly through its skin. Worms like a smooth environment.
Worm Parts Beginning and end. My Body My Mouth How I move.How I move How I breathe.How I breathe.
Worms like night time better! Worms can tell with their skin if it is daytime or night time. Worms are nocturnal and rarely come out during the day. Worms can sense a predator coming by feeling the vibrations.
What do worms eat? Worms eat dead leaves and plant materials. They also swallow soil and little bits of animal material. They are called “Nature’s Plowman” because they live in the ground and tunnel their way through the dirt mixing up the different layers of soil.
How do worms move? Worms have 2 sets of muscles that help them move. When the circular muscles tighten, the worm gets longer and thinner. When the lengthwise muscles tighten, the worm gets shorter and fatter. That is how we move!
Who are my enemies? Worms have many enemies even though they spend most of their time underground. Their predators include birds, frogs, moles, centipedes, and man. The worm’s brown color helps to hide or camouflage him from his predators.
Worms must be loved!! Guess how many hearts a worm has? 5 Worms are invertebrates and do not have a backbone.
Worms love family! In just one acre of land, there can be over a million or more worms. Our poop, or castings, helps to give the soil nitrogen which is a great fertilizer.
Did you know? A worm has no arms, legs, or eyes. There are over 2,700 different kinds of worms. The largest worm ever found was 22 feet long. Worms are cold blooded. If a worm’s skin dries out, it will die.
More Did you know? Worms can grow a new tail, but not a new head if they are cut off. Baby worms are not born, they hatch from cocoons smaller than a grain of rice. Worms move away from light and will become paralyzed if exposed to light for too long.
Worm TEST Are worms warm or cold blooded? When it is hot, worms like to lie in the sun. Worms have eyes. A worm has tiny bones under its skin. How many hearts does a worm have? How do worms breathe? How do worms know when a predator is coming? Worms are good for our soil.