This is an easy step-by-step guide on how to add video effects and transitions to any video you want.
Premier pro is an easy way for anyone to use when making and editing a videos. The box located to the left of premier pro is where all effects are located, which include: Audio effects Audio Transitions Video Effects Video Transitions What sort of video effects are there? There are many video effects including: Adjust Blur and Sharpen Channel Colour Correction Distort Image Control What sort of video transitions are there? There are many video transitions including: 3d Motion Dissolve Iris Map Page Peel Slide
To add effects to your timeline; all you need to do its select the effect you want (for example; dip to black)and simply drag it to the designated area on your timeline. Drag your selected transition on to your timeline in the area it is most suited. If the transition you have selected is not suitable for the video; all you need to do is select the transition on your timeline and press delete and the effect will automatically disappear. This is how the transition will look on your timeline. (the purple highlighted area shows what transition has been used and how long the transition will last).
Here is the transition starting to change in the preview screen on premier pro. As you can see the image is slightly darker than what it would normally be as this shot is slowly changing from the dip to black transition. This is how the shot will look once the transition on the timeline has finished. As you can see this shot is a lot clearer than the one above; this transition will help fade out any shots to help start or end a film or even show a flashback happening. Selected video transition shown in the preview monitor on premier pro. To add a video transition all you simply do is select a suitable transition for your video from the selection box on the bottom left hand corner and drag it to the most suited place on your timeline. (This is the same for adding both video effects and transitions)
In premier pro you can also add effects such as changing a shot into black and white. I have used the black and white video effect in one of my videos to make the shot seem more like a flashback. My shot shown in the preview window in black and white. I simply did this by selecting video effects and scrolled down to image control and selected the black and white video effect. I then simply dragged the selected effect onto my timeline in the appropriate place suited. This is how my timeline looked once the effect was added. The yellow highlighted line at the top of the timeline shows where the effect is located and how long it will last on the video. (On my timeline the video effect will last the whole of my one shot, as indicated by the highlighted yellow line.)