Chapter 6: Cause / Effect Essays Nada Falemban 29/04/37
Write about one of the following topics The psychological causes of Internet addiction The psychological effects of violent video games and movies. Nada Falemban 29/04/37
Analyzing the models Read (Writing Model 1) on page 117 and answer the following questions: Is the topic of this essay primarily the causes or the effects of shyness? Which paragraph discusses the causes? Which paragraph discusses the effects? What two subtopics are named in the thesis statement? Which paragraph discusses the first subtopic? Which paragraph discusses the second subtopic? What is the function of paragraph 3? Nada Falemban 29/04/37
Answers Is the topic of this essay primarily the causes or the effects of shyness? Which paragraph discusses the causes? 2- 4 – 5 – 6 Which paragraph discusses the effects? 7 What two subtopics are named in the thesis statement? Genetic and environmental causes Which paragraph discusses the first subtopic? 2 Which paragraph discusses the second subtopic? 4 – 5 – 6 What is the function of paragraph 3? It is a transition paragraph. Nada Falemban 29/04/37
Analyzing the models Read the writing model 2 in page 119 and answer the following questions: What is the cause of the increased melatonin and the decreased serotonin in winter? What effect do these seasonal changes in melatonin and serotonin have on some people? What advice do doctors give people who suffer from SAD? Nada Falemban 29/04/37
Sadness, depression, lack of energy, weight gain, and/or overseelping. Answers Lack of sunlight. Sadness, depression, lack of energy, weight gain, and/or overseelping. To have a walk outside during the day and expose to artificial light. Nada Falemban 29/04/37
Organization You can organize a cause/effect essay in two main ways: Block organization Chain organization Nada Falemban 29/04/37
Organization Block organization Use it for long, complex topics. You may discuss all causes and then all effects or vice versa; you can write only about causes or only about effects. You might need to write a “transition paragraph” to conclude one section and introduce another section. Nada Falemban 29/04/37
Exercise 2 Page 122 Fill in the boxes to show the block organization pattern of writing model 1 Thesis statement: They have found that shyness in an individual can result from both biological and environmental factors. 1st cause: genetics Transition paragraph introduction conclusion Nada Falemban 29/04/37
Organization 2) Chain organization Use it when the causes and effects are closely linked. Each cause and its effect are links in a chain; an effect becomes the cause of another. Nada Falemban 29/04/37
Exercise 3 Page 124 Fill in the boxes to complete the flowchart, which illustrates the cause/effect chain described in writing model 2 Less light Body produces more _____________ and less ___________ + ______________________________________ Lack of energy, oversleeping, weight gain, anxiety conclusion Nada Falemban 29/04/37
Nada Falemban 29/04/37
Transition signals for cause/effect relationship (page 124): Causes Coordinators For Subordinators Because Since As Others To result from To be the result of Due to Because of The effect of The consequence of As a result of As a consequence of Nada Falemban 29/04/37
Transition signals for cause/effect relationship (page 126): Effects Transition Words and Phrases As a result As a consequence Therefore Thus Consequently hence Coordinators So Others To result in To cause To have an effect on To affect The cause of The reason for thereby (It is used mostly in front of –ing phrases) Nada Falemban 29/04/37