Nuclear Energy By: Tyler Chismar, Cole George, and Lysette Stanley
What is nuclear energy? Nuclear energy has become much more attractive, it decreases our dependence on fossil fuels. The burning of fossils (oil, gas, coal diesel fuel) and emit greenhouse gases. But there is a limited supply and we are quickly running out of fossil fuels. {Emit- To produce or discharge.} (nu-cle-ar en-er-gy) The energy released during nuclear fission or fusion, especially when used to generate electricity.
The Pros We use nuclear energy everyday but we just don't know it. We use electricity which is used from power plant. We dig up coal to burn and make electricity. Why is nuclear energy a good thing?
The Cons ● Compared to other energy sources, nuclear power ranks higher than oil, coal, and natural gas systems in terms of fatalities. ● The meltdown of a 500- megawatt reactor located 30 miles from a city would cause the immediate death of an estimated 45,000 people, injure about 70,000, and cause $17 billion in property. The bads to nuclear energy!
Cons Continued ● Every nuclear power reactor annually generates tons of high-level nuclear waste. ● Unshielded, it delivers a lethal dose in seconds and will remain a hazard for at least 12,000 human generations. More cons!
Cons Cons continued, continued... ●Nuclear energy is generally a fickle thing. Fickle- To change frequently. Lethal- Harmful or destructive, able to cause death.
Reactor Meltdowns ● Results in core damage in the nuclear power source due to overheating. ● There has been thirty three recorded nuclear accidents of this kind. ● nuclear radiation can cause mutations to DNA. ● if the mutations are not corrected they can become cancerous.
Video Part One … Japan had a Reactor meltdown. It was one of the worst cases ever recorded.
Part 2...
Works Cited ➢ "Green Prophet." Green Prophet Web. 13 Oct ➢ "Curiosity: Be Inspired To Learn Every Day." Beacon Solutions Inc., Web. 13 Oct ➢ "New Scientist | Science News and Science Articles from New Scientist." New Scientist. Reed Business Information Ltd. Web. 13 Oct ➢ "Nuclear Power." Guardian News and Media. Web. 13 Oct ➢ ABC News. ABC News Network. Web. 13 Oct