“ A learned society advancing marine science through research, communication and education ” “ A learned society advancing marine science through research, communication and education ” +44(0)
Accredited MEDIN Data Archive Centre (DAC) The UK archive for marine species and habitats data Launched 2005 Centre of excellence for the management of marine biological data Provides data to the NBN, EMODnet, GBIF, OBIS and MESH Provides metadata to MEDIN portal DASSH
Currently ~2 million records Includes: Species point or polygon Species attribute data, e.g. length, weight, mark recapture etc. Habitat point and polygon Image data (still and video) MEDIN: Standards group MEDIN Metadata Help Desk Fish DAC DASSH
DASSH accepts data from providers in a variety of formats from paper records to complex databases No barriers to archiving – but the more complex the data structure the more costly the archiving process. If in MEDIN format and recommended file structure there is unlikely to be a cost to ingest data. Encouraging and recommending the use of MEDIN data guidelines for data exchange DASSH
Supports Marine Spatial Planning and Environmental Impact Assessments Provides the evidence base to achieve Good Environmental Status (GES) under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Assists in meeting the reporting requirements of UK Marine Monitoring and Assessment Strategy, which in turn addresses the reporting for more than 40 national and international obligations (inc OSPAR, WFD and other marine environmental directives). DASSH © F Crouch
Recent activity Working with IFCA’s and Local Record Centres on data standards and MEDIN integration Social and Economic data management INSPIRE compliant view and download services Data Support - Article 17 for NE and MCZ for JNCC MoU with SNH VALMER/EMODnet Partner MEDIN Codefest – DASSH
Linking metadata to data DASSH
View or download data as an image file; gml; data table DASSH
For help on templates and presentations, see branding guidelines in Z:\??? or contact Guy Baker (Ext. 3244) or Ella Carter (Ext. 3273) Image courtesy of Science Thank you For more information about DASSH please contact +44(0) DASSH The Marine Biological Association The Laboratory, Citadel Hill, Plymouth, Devon, PL1 2PB