Joe Miller Amanda Bracher Steve Zubritzky Elise Balaj
“A cloud is a large collection of very tiny droplets of water or ice crystals. The droplets are so small and light that they can float in the air.”
- There is invisible gas in the air called water vapor. - Cool air cannot hold much water vapor, so the water vapor breaks down into small pieces of dust. - Tiny droplets of water form around the small pieces of dust. When billions of these droplets come together…
This big old ball we call earth has a wondrous atmosphere; There's oxygen that we breathe in and water vapor here. Those tiny drops of H2O climb high till they take flight, And when they cool they start to pool into fluffs of grey and white. - Nick Walker Here is a poem to help you remember how clouds are formed!
Now it’s time to look at the different types of clouds! Today, we will look at cumulus, cumulonimbus, cirrus, and stratus clouds.
White and Puffy Looks like Cotton Fair-Weather Clouds Close to the Ground
Thunderstorm Cloud Heavy Precipitation Points in the direction the storm is moving
Very High in the Sky Made of Ice Particles Predict Pleasant WeatherUsually White
Grayish Color Flat Cloud Can Cover the Whole SkyLight Precipitation