My Favorite Things By:Guy Moise
Football This sport is all about getting your opponent on the ground.It is also about having the football and scoring touchdowns or field goals.What I like about this sport is you can really take your anger out on someone.
Basketball One thing I like about this sport is that you can really tell who is the better player.In football or soccer you cant because it is not a sport you can go one on one in.
Skateboarding This is my all time favorite hobby.It is the most funniest sport to watch people fall.You can also learn how to use your feet way better.It also teaches you to be more courage’s.
My Favorite Rapper The best rapper alive:LiL wayne.He found the group “Cash Money Records”.Even though everyone thought that he would probably be the least successful.Now he had one of his albums go multi-platinum in two weeks.I like because he has a good message.
My Favorite Shoes The shoe was also made by my favorite basketball player ever Michael Jordan.They are called the Spizikes.They are Jordans mixed with Air Force Ones.I like them because they were my first Jordans.
My Favorite Dogs My favorite dog is called the pit-bull.This dog was breed to fight bulls.That’s how it got the name pit- bull.It would bite bulls lips off.This is my favorite dog because I will beet up any other dog.
My Favorite Movie My Favorite Movie is called Rush Hour 3.It is about these two cops.One cop is African American and one is Chinese.One of the reasons why I like this movie so much is because it shows the funny bloopers.
My favorite Video Game This game is called the punisher.This game is about a man who loses all of his family and he wants revenge.So he goes and kills anyone who had to do with the death of his family.I like this game because my dad died and I know how it feels to want revenge.
My favorite TV Show When I Was Younger This show is called Dragon Ball Z.This show is about a man named Goku who had powers and masters the sport of karate.I like this show because they beat each other up.