World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO OMM WMO STRUCTURES AND OUTLINES OF WMO STRATEGIC AND OPERATING PLANS , ISSUES TO CONSIDER, AND THE PROCESS FOR PREPARING THE PLANS EC WG/SOP-I(2016)/Doc.3.1(2) Dr William Nyakwada First Session of EC WG/SOP February 2016 Geneva, Switzerland
WMO OMM Presentation layout Congress decisions WMO Results-based Strategic Planning WMO Strategic Plan –Structure, outline and relevant international issues WMO Operating Plan –Result chain and outline Proposed process and timelines Issues to consider 2
WMO OMM Decisions of seventeenth World Meteorological Congress Global Societal Needs (GSNs) and expected results in SP form the base of SP Strategic and operational planning for 2020–2023 should follow: –Follow integrated planning process; –Build on programme and management - related experiences; –Improve the Key Performance Indicators; and –Take advantage of various regional association management groups. 3
WMO OMM Cg-17 Requests to EC To organize a planning process; To continue to improve the structure, focus and performance metrics; To effectively engage regional associations and technical commissions; To develop better means of integrating and supporting the development of regional and technical components of the WMO-wide Operating Plan; To identify areas that need further improvements and address them in the order of priority ; 4
WMO OMM Cg-17 Requests to RAs and TCs Regional associations –To provide regional needs and priorities; –To coordinate, as necessary, national contributions; –To develop their own Operating Plans; Technical commissions –To lead the formulation of the scientific and technical aspects of WMO Programmes and activities; –To develop their own Operating Plans; 5
WMO OMM WMO Results-based Strategic Planning It is an integrated strategic planning process involving all Members, RAs, TCs and Secretariat; SP is the foundation of WMO RBM Framework with OP, RBB and M&E as the other blocks; The result chain GSNs ► Priorities ► Expected Results (ERs) ► Key Outcomes (KO) ► Output/Deliverables ► Activities is used; Starts with gathering priorities of Members and TCs, together with relevant international decisions. 6
WMO OMM WMO STRATEGIC PLAN Structure : GSNs→Priorities→ERs. To take into consideration the evolution of societal and economic needs of Members; 7
WMO OMM WMO STRATEGIC PLAN cont’d Relevant international issues(Annex): –The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction –Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - Sustainable Development Goals; – Conference of the Parties, Twenty-first session, Paris, 30 November to 11 December 2015 –Engaging the Private Sector; A growing interest in weather and climate issues; Advances in information and technology; Budget cuts experienced by NMHSs 8
WMO OMM WMO STRATEGIC PLAN cont’d The proposed outline of the SP (Table 1) is based on SP
WMO OMM WMO OPERATING PLAN The result chain Expected Results(ERs) ► Key Outcomes(KO) ► Deliverables ► Activities is proposed; To define the Key Performance Indicators(KPI), baselines and Key Performance Targets; To include funded activities through RBB and those of RAs and TCs; The proposed outline for the OP is provided in Table 2. 10
WMO OMM Proposed Process and Timelines for the preparation of WMO SP and OP Process and timelines involving the preparation of WMO SP and OP (Table 3). 11
WMO OMM Issues to consider Structure of the SP (GSNs→Priorities→ERs) The outlines, process and timelines for preparing the SP and OP; The adequacy of priorities as means or processes to address GSNs to achieve the ERs; Improvements in the logical relationships in GSN, Priorities and ERs; If the ERs represent what should be achieved; and The influence of the issues in the Annex 12
WMO OMM Thank you 13