Mapping and Research Tools Everything you need to get your Road Trip Across Canada Started
You will be starting a trip across Canada… 0 Mrs. Ross and I have an awesome research trip planned for you 0 You will be going across Canada in 13 days, and finding out interesting facts about each province and territory! 0 You will have a variety of materials to help you find this information 0 We are going to give you the tips you need to be successful
How to find information in a book! 0 There are three very important tools in a book to help us locate information. They are: 0 The Table of Contents 0 The Index 0 The Glossary 0 Pictures 0 Captions
The Table of Contents 0 The Table of Contents is at the start of the book 0 It tells us what the chapters of the book are, or how the information is organized 0 You can use the Table of Contents to help you locate information by subject 0 Your group has a Voices and Visions Text. Using the Table of Contents, locate information on “Vegetation in Canada”. Locate the information in the book and write it on your whiteboard. Table of Contents New Year’s Day………..….. Pg. 6 Easter Sunday …………….. Pg. 8 Canada Day…………….…. Pg. 11 Thanksgiving……….……..Pg. 13 Remembrance Day………Pg. 15
The Index 0 The index of the book lets us know where specific information on a certain subject might be in a book – in alphabetical order. 0 In your group find information about the following subjects using the Index of the book, Voices and Visions of Canada 0 Potlash 0 Tsunamis 0 Slaves
The Glossary 0 The glossary of the book gives us definitions of words we might not know. It also gives us more information about a certain subject. 0 Find the definitions of the following words using the glossary of the book Voices and Visions of Canada: 0 Cordillera 0 Muskeg 0 Paska
Maps 0 What do maps do for us? 0 A Map is a visual depiction of an area, that gives the reader specific information about the area featured, such as the landforms, roadways, areas of interest, and bodies of water. 0 What does this map tell us? - roadways
Map Info 0 Maps have four pieces of information 0 Title 0 Compass 0 Map Symbols 0 Legend 0 Legends are made up of 0 Map symbols that tell us points of interest 0 A legend that tells us what each map symbol means. Treasure Chest Location
Your Assignment 0 It’s your turn to make a map, and legend of our classroom! 0 Don’t forget to fill in the four pieces of information that all maps have! 0 Use whatever symbols you wish to represent: 0 The chairs 0 The bookshelf 0 Mrs. Ross’ Desk 0 The student desks 0 The door