TEXT FEATURES Headers at the end of each section stop and tell main idea and 3 details Vocabulary is the word defined within the text do we need to use the glossary or dictionary to find the meaning Captions what information is shown in the picture, analyze the picture for more details
MORE FEATURES Charts and Graphs look at the charts to determine their meaning Maps determine why the map is used and where the setting piece is taking place, determine in relation to our city, state, or country
PARTS OF THE BOOK Title - look at title for overall content of book and make predictions Author – relate to other works, purpose of the author for writing book Table of Contents – beginning an outline of what they will learn, students write questions they would know more about.
MORE – PART OF A BOOK Timelines – talk about dates, finding the difference between the dates, and what else was happening during time period Glossary – definitions of words found in story, look at parts of speech and syllabication and accent marks Index – quick reference to find terms and events within the book, good source when a they need to find an answer to a question
Discuss Parts of the Book: Title Author Table of Contents How Text Features are formatted Glossary Index BEFORE READING
Stop and Discuss: Headers Vocabulary Captions Maps/Charts DURING READING ON FIRST READ
Make Connections with self, text, and world (biblical integration) Use table of contents, glossary, and index for the purpose of answering questions. AFTER READING