RESISTANCE BANDS Great for warming up Easy to use Cheep Multiple resistance levels Last a long time Used to avoid injuries Come in sleeves or tube
P90X RESISTANCE BANDS Available at Walmart 19.99$
GPS WATCH Tracks distance Tracks calories burned Monitors Heart rate Has a GPS locater Shows progress which can be a motivation booster $200 $330 $150
NIKE+ GPS WATCH Syncs to smartphone Comes with charger and user guide 8 hour battery life $119 without Nike+ foot sensor Cheapest and most effective Available at multiple online retailors including the link below Watches.html?cid=189730&chid=4272&gclid=CM3jpoyN5MoCFYqQHwodB7YNwA Watches.html?cid=189730&chid=4272&gclid=CM3jpoyN5MoCFYqQHwodB7YNwA Running
AGILITY CONES Can be used to form patterns Cheep Durable Simple and easy Can be used in multiple ways. How can I use these cones?
SPORTS AUTHORITY SPORT CONES Classic style Highly visible Come with a portable carrier $19.99 in store
FOAM ROLLER Used post or pre workout Relieves soreness Universal Cheep and durable Different textures for different uses
SILVER AXIS FOAM ROLLER Generic roller 36 inches Long lasting Great for using on legs, lower and upper back.
NIKE + SOFTWARE install install Free software that is used with Nike + watch Can be used with PC or MAC Tracks all the information on the watch Can be used to see progress Easy to use
OVERVIEW All of these pieces of equipment are just a few of the hundreds of options gym teachers have at their disposal. Giving examples of different equipment, I then chose my favorite thinking about cost and effectiveness. All of these examples relate to a conditioning based workout. The fitness bands can be used before a run to loosen up and stretch out. The Gps watch is a great tool for students to use to track how far they ran and calories burned. Cones are great because they can be used to make agility circuits or used in sprinting drills. The foam roller is great as a post workout tool to relieve soreness in major muscle groups in the legs and back. And lastly the software that pairs with the watch is great for the teacher to look at to see the childrens progress