Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Valter Nordh GA, Luxemburg Tech programme update GA assembly
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People The TTC held its last (!) meeting with cake on the 23/11. SIG-Greenhouse: Project Greenhouse is approved (separate announcement will follow) Greenhouse will allow for projects to collaborate and share costs/incomes Project Filesender is a pilot The new ToR was presented and discussed Very successful DDoS workshop with remote participation of RNP, Brazil. 2 TTC meetings
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People SIG-NOC: - Had a meeting co-located with the DDoS Mitigation Workshop in Vienna. - Will repeat the NOC Tools survey, first conducted in Started to design a training course for NOC personnels, following the TRANSITS model. TF-Storage: Had a meeting in Pisa, Italy, hosted by University Pisa and GARR. Half-a-day technical tutorial and deep-dive about Ceph. Continued industry engagement with invited speakers from SUSE, SanDisk, and Scality. 3 Task Forces and Special Interest Groups
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People TF-WebRTC Had a meeting co-located with GN4-1 SA8 WebRTC Task in Stockholm. Sharing information about what the community does with Vidyo and Zoom. Technical review of open source tools such as Jitsi and Janus. NREN services overview, Rendez-vous at RENATER Invited speaker from Adobe to talk about the future of Adobe Connect. TF-MNM Little activity at the moment 4
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People TCS All OK? Some differences – still discovering some issues REFEDS Discussion on the added VAT from GÉANT in the REFEDS-SC 5 Services and other communities
Networks ∙ Services ∙ People Thank you and any questions Networks ∙ Services ∙ People 6