Ch.10 Sect.1:Race,Ethnicity, and the Social Structure
What you will know… Race Ethnicity Minority Groups
Race Racial categories, physical… 3 racial groups Caucasoids Mongoloids Negroids Difficult describing complexity of race “pure” Race—
Ethnicity Ethnicity— Ethnic group— Based on national origin, religion… How can it survive? Jews Ethnicity and race refer to 2 separate sets of characteristics Examples
Minority Groups Those in power… Language Privileges Minority group— Nothing to do with group size Apartheid 5 characteristics
Ch.10 Sect.2: Patterns of Intergroup Relations
What you will know… Discrimination and Prejudice Sources of the discrimination and prejudice Patterns of Minority Group Treatment
Discrimination & Prejudice Minority status exists because… Discrimination— Behaviors Prejudice attitudes
Discrimination Acts range from… Lynching Legal discrimination Institutionalized disc. Apartheid US, women African Americans Separate-but-equal Supreme Court laws
Institutionalized Discrimination Over time, unequal access to resources… Discrimination becomes part of social structure… Occurs even when legal steps taken to end it
Prejudice Stereotype— People told often and long enough… Self-fulfilling prophecy Serves as a justification for discriminatory actions Racism— Bigots and liberals, 4 kinds
Sociological Explanations Focus on social environment Prejudices are embedded in the social norms People become prejudiced to maintain their group membership
Psychological Explanations Personality Authoritarian personality They are strongly conformist, great respect for authority,… Frustration and anger Scapegoating Why a scapegoat? Physical features, language, dress, religion…
Economic Explanations Competition for scarce resources Chinese workers example Open violence Dominant group encourages competition for resources among minority groups In struggle for jobs, minority groups…
Cultural Pluralism Cultural pluralism— Switzerland example
Assimilation Hold onto unique cultural features “melting pot” Assimilation— Bulgaria example
Legal Protection Civil Rights Act of 1964 Voting Rights Act of 1965 Affirmative action “reverse discrimination”
Segregation Segregation— De Jure De Facto Ghettos Did segregation exist in the US?
Subjugation/Population Transfer Subjugation— Slavery— Apartheid Indirect Transfer Direct Transfer Examples
Extermination Genocide Anti-Semitism Pogrom Holocaust How many died? Other examples Ethnic cleansing— Serbia