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Presentation transcript:

學生:謝明修 指導教授:王振乾

Abstract Poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) 和 acrylonitrile–butadiene–styrene copolymer (ABS) 以 熔融混掺 (melt-blended) 方式製備 以反應型 styrene/acrylonitrile/glycidyl methacrylate copolymer (SAN-GMA) 與 ethyltriphenyl phosphonium bromide (ETPB) 觸媒混合,作為 PLLA 和 ABS 混掺的相 容助劑。

Introduction Acrylonitrile–butadiene–styrene copolymer (ABS) 組成中有一 彈性體 polybutadiene (PB) 分散於硬質的 styrene– acrylonitrile copolymer (SAN) matrix 。 ABS 常利用來改善 polycarbonate (PC) 、 nylon 和 poly(butylene terephthalate) (PBT) 的衝擊強度,也可當作許 多工程塑膠的增塑劑。

Experimental Materials The PLLA sample used was commercially available with the molecular weight of Mw = 170,000. The sample included 1.2% of D-lactide content. The ABS was kindly provided by Grand Pacific Petrochemical Corporation. The ABS used is a high impact grade with the trade name of D-100. SAN-GMA is the copolymer of styrene, acrylonitrile, and glycidyl methacrylate (GMA). The weight ratio of [styrene]/[acrylonitrile]/[glycidyl methacrylate] in the copolymer was 65/25/10. The ethyltriphenyl phosphonium bromide (ETPB) was bought from Aldrich and was used as recieved.

Experimental Sample preparation The blends were prepared using a Laboplasto-mill (KF70V, Toyoseiki Co. Ltd., Japan) with a twin screw at a rotation speed of 100 rpm at 200 ℃ for 6 min. After blending, all the samples were hot-pressed at 200 ℃ to a sheet with a thickness of 500 μm under the pressure of 10 MPa for 5 min, followed by quenching in ice water.

Results and discussion SEM images of uncompatibilized (a) PLLA/ABS = 70/30, and (b)PLLA/ABS = 50/50.

Results and discussion FTIR spectra of PLLA/SAN-GMA = 80/20 (a) after 2 min meltmixing without ETPB, (b) after 6 min melt-mixing without ETPB, (c) after 2 min with ETPB, and (d) after 6 min with ETPB.

Results and discussion Scheme for the reaction of PLLA end groups with SAN-GMA under the catalyst of ETPB.

Results and discussion TEM images of (a) uncompatibilized PLLA/ABS = 70/30 blend, (b) PLLA/ABS = 70/30 blend with 5 wt% SAN-GMA, and (c) PLLA/ABS = 70/30 blend with 5 wt% SAN-GMA and 0.02 phr (per hundred parts of resin) ETPB.

Results and discussion TEM images of (a) uncompatibilized PLLA/ABS = 50/50 blend, (b) PLLA/ABS = 50/50 blend with 5 wt% SAN-GMA, and (c) PLLA/ABS = 50/50 blend with 5 wt% SAN-GMA and 0.02 phr ETPB.

Results and discussion Dynamic loss for the PLLA/ABS blends as function of temperature. (a) Neat PLLA, (b) neat ABS, (c) PLLA/ABS = 50/50, (d) PLLA/ABS/SANGMA= 50/50/5, and (e) PLLA/ABS/SAN-GMA/ETPB = 50/50/5/0.02 phr. Dynamic loss for the PLLA/ABS blends as function of temperature. (a)PLLA/ABS = 70/30, (b) PLLA/ABS/SAN-GMA = 70/30/5, and (c) PLLA/ABS/SAN-GMA/ETPB = 70/30/5/0.02 phr.

Results and discussion Storage modulus of the PLLA/ABS blends as function of temperature. (a)Neat PLLA, (b) neat ABS, (c) PLLA/ABS = 50/50, (d) PLLA/ABS/SAN-GMA = 50/50/5, and (e) PLLA/ABS/SAN-GMA/ETPB = 50/50/5/0.02 phr.

Results and discussion DSC heating curves of PLLA/ABS blends with a heating rate of 10 ℃ /min (a) PLLA/ABS = 50/50, (b) PLLA/ABS/SAN-GMA = 50/50/5, and (c) PLLA/ABS/SAN-GMA/ETPB = 50/50/5/0.02. DSC heating curves of PLLA/ABS blends with a heating rate of 10 ℃ /min (a) PLLA/ABS = 70/30, (b) PLLA/ABS/SAN-GMA = 70/30/5, and (c) PLLA/ABS/SAN-GMA/ETPB = 70/30/5/0.02.

Results and discussion Thermal properties of PLLA/ABS blends. * From the DMA measurement. Mechanical properties of PLA/PU blends. * At 20 ℃ from the DMA measurement.

Results and discussion Tensile strain–stress curves for (a)neat PLLA, (b) PLLA/ABS = 50/50, (c) PLLA/ABS/SAN-GMA = 50/50/5, (d) PLLA/ABS/SAN-GMA/ETPB = 50/50/5/0.02,and (e) neat ABS. Tensile strain–stress curves for (a)PLLA/ABS = 70/30, (b) PLLA/ABS/SAN-GMA = 70/30/5, and (c). PLLA/ABS/SAN-GMA/ETPB=70/30/5/0.02.

Results and discussion Dynamic viscosity of (a) PLLA/ABS = 50/50, (b) PLLA/ABS/SANGMA = 50/50/5, and (c) PLLA/ABS/SAN-GMA/ETPB = 50/50/5/0.02.

Results and discussion Film impact strength of neat PLLA and PLLA/ABS blends.

Conclusions PLLA 和 ABS 為不相容的混掺,粒子尺寸大、表面作用力 差、低的斷裂延伸率和耐衝擊強度。 以 ETPB 做為觸媒, SAN-GMA 為 PLLA/ABS 的相容助劑, 可明顯改善橡膠粒子的分散性, Tg 亦有明顯偏移,機械 性質也改善其斷裂延伸率和耐衝擊強度,而模數和拉伸強 度些微損失。