Black Bears Written and Illustrated by: Diego Zuniga 2 nd Grade 2012
Black Bears Written and Illustrated By: Diego Zuniga 2 nd Grade 2012 Thompson Publishing Company, Inc. Copyright 2012
Dedicated To: My Mom, Dad, and My Sister
Table of Contents 1 Black Bear Facts 2 Black Bears Diet 3 Black Bears Habitat 4 Black Bears Life Cycle 5 Black Bear Diagram 6 Glossary 7 References 8 Black Bear Photos 9
Black Bear Facts Black bears are sometimes blue-gray, blue-black, brown, cinnamon, or white colored. They are great tree climbers. Black bears are 5 ft. to 6 ft. long. Black bears weigh 200 to 600 lbs. 2
Black Bears Diet Black bears like to eat grasses, roots, berries, insects, fish, mammals, human foods, and garbage. They can wander 15 – 80 square miles to look for food. Whenever bears eat human foods at campsites, cabins, and homes, they can become very dangerous. Black bears are omnivores. 3
Black Bears Habitat Black bears live in forest, mountains, and swamps. Black bears are not true hibernators. They live in areas from Canada to Mexico. During the winter period, they do not eat, drink, urinate, or defecate. They might wake up if disturbed. They spend the winter in their dens. They feed on their body fat. They make their dens in caves, burrows, brush piles, or tree holes. 4
Black Bears Life Cycle The female black bear can give birth to two or three cubs. The cubs are blind and helpless when they are born up until the spring. The cubs will stay with their mothers for about two years. Black bears have an average life span of up to 20 years. 5
Black Bear Diagram 6
Glossary 7 burrows – A hole dug underground by some animals as a shelter or home. cubs – A young bear, fox, lion, tiger, or wolf. defecate – to empty the bowels hibernators – To spend the winter in a torpid state with all the body functions greatly slowed down and the body temperature reduced. omnivores - An animal adapted to eat a wide variety of food, both animal and vegetable. urinate - to discharge urine
References 8 Websites Books The Bear, Sabrina Crewe Bears, Lynn Stone
Black Bear Photos 9