+ Understanding Foundations Insight and tips for securing funds from foundations and executing foundation grants
+ An overview of grants at UrbanPromise grants per year FY2016 grants goal $700,000 from private foundations Represents approximately 15% of projected income for UPC ($4.5M budget) Average of 3.5 requests go out each month Grants range from $5K - $710K ($42K per year over 5 years) Most are $10K-$50K 1 part-time grant writer, support from ED and program leaders
+ What % of requests are funded? With a relationship 100% All UPC grant requests 53% Without a relationship 28% Previous Donor 87%New Donor 24% Increase to 35%when we talk to someone!
+ Foundations as defined by FoundationCenter.org Private Foundation – nonprofit corporation or charitable trust with a principal purpose of making grants to unrelated organizations or institutions for scientific, educational, cultural, religious, or other charitable purposes $$$ is from a family, individual or a corporation Abide by specific set of government tax regulations Give money only to 501c3 orgs with few exceptions (consider a sponsor) Grantmaking Public Charity (Public Foundation) – derives support from various members of the public (individuals, foundations & government entities) i.e. Community foundations Considered public charities & not subject to the same regulations
+ Identifying best-fit grants: Resources Search for grants that fit (PSU library resources) Foundation Directory Online Directory of Research Grants GrantFinder Grants Register (paper) Ask others Learn more about the grantor GuideStar.org – Form 990 Foundation websites Google searches (i.e. press on grants)
+ Identifying best-fit grants: What to look for Foundation’s eligibility list Foundation’s expressed interests Areas of focus Type of funding given Geographic interest History of giving Do their stated interests actually match their giving? Assess giving range and appropriate “ask” Complexity of the application vs. likelihood of funding
+ Assessing fit at UrbanPromise Geographic Focus Giving Interests Amount of Funding vs. Grant Process
+ What is generally needed for foundation applications? Background Statement of Need Program Description Outcomes & Measurements Recognition Project Budget Each grantor will have their requirements and they vary greatly. This is a general outline of the types of things that most applications require. List of other funders 501c3 verification Board of Directors List Organization Budget Audited financial statements
+ What do foundations require after they give a grant? *Meet your stated outcomes *Reports (generally one per year, but can be more) On project outcomes & budget Organizational budget Report back even if it’s not required Publicity Visits or volunteer opportunities Fulfill Contracts
+ Grant writer skill sets Equal parts Clear and concise writing Ability to communicate/work with you and your team Strong administrative/organizing skill sets For foundation funding Familiarity and access to resources with foundation information Previous experience securing foundation funds Relationships with foundations is a major bonus!
+ What else do foundations want from grantees? Avoid over-promising or a “square peg into a round hole” Communicate on changes Good communication (during grant implementation) Invite them to engage (as applicable) Express gratitude and communicate the impact of their gift Working with your grant writer, you can make the most of grant funding & increase likelihood of reoccurring funding!
+ “When you’ve met one foundation, you’ve done exactly that.” Unique personalities & priorities. Consider: Foundation type Size/scope of the foundation Who are the decision makers? Who are the foundations “masters”? Foundations reflect the interests of their founders, trustees & staff Programmatic (i.e. education, health, community development) Funding type (i.e. programmatic, capital, general operating, research)
+ Continued… Each foundation has different tendencies & rules 1 year vs. multi-year grants Annual vs. one time funding Application, report & communication style Foundations are made up of people Relationships are important Getting to know the people at the foundation provides insight Trust in key staff & leadership at your organization matters Ongoing communication builds rapport
+ Tips for relationship building Call prospective grantors with just a couple key questions Listen! Be sure to listen to foundations as they express priorities or interests Learn if and how the foundation likes to engage, then create the opportunity Fulfill promises & meet proposed outcomes (or communicate changes) Report on results of grant (even if they don’t ask for it) (The “easiest” grant funding to get is repeat funding from happy grantors!)
+ Examples from UPC Scholler Foundation Chatlos Foundation
+ Q&A: