12/12/2014 Tell me about Thomas Becket. What happened? Who “did it”?
Turks (Muslims) gain control of the Holy Lands and threaten Constantinople Byzantine emperor asks Pope for help Pope Urban II asks Lords for help, to quit fighting amongst themselves and unite to fight and win back the Holy Lands “wear cross on right shoulder or back with one voice…cry out: God wills it, God wills it!”
1000s – Muslims took control of Jerusalem 1095 – Pope Urban II met with European leaders and agreed to get back the Holy Land Crusades: A series of military expeditions to regain the Holy Land Soldiers wore crosses to represent Church and God To save their souls, gain land/wealth, make money
Lasted from Led by French and Italian Lords Armies suffered a lot from heat and hunger Finally able to capture Jerusalem then committed a huge massacre Held Jerusalem for 100 years - Turks got it back
Muslims and Jews slaughtered and driven from Jerusalem Mixing of Cultures: cultural diffusion Muslims and Christians live side by side Respect grows between groups Trade sprang up between Europe and Holy Lands, (Middle East & Asia)
– France and Germany led another Crusade but they lost – France, England, Holy Roman Emperor led the cause Emperor drowned on the way over so his army left France and England bickered and France left to go try to conqueror England England LOST
Pope Innocent III sent French Knights But the French attacked a bunch of Christian cities and got excommunicated 1212 – Youth thought they could win Stuck at Mediterranean Pope shipped them home but half were accidentally shipped away into slavery
Weapons and Warfare: Crossbow - could penetrate chain main and armor Catapults - to throw rocks Gunpowder and mines Muslims introduce long-bows and gun-powder Modern technology in weapons leads to the decline of the Knights in Europe Political Changes: Nobles sold lands and died fighting This increased power of Kings
Ideas and Trade: Both Crusaders and Muslims shared ideas and knowledge Europeans started to discover apricots, lemons, melons, rice, and sugar
After Rome fell… trade died out in Europe – Manors grew/made everything needed After the Crusades… Trade in Italy: Crusades caused goods from Middle-East and Asia Trade in Europe: Vikings traveled to Asia and brought stuff back
Asia = dyes, silks, spices, linen, fruit, grain, rugs Europe = Fur, timber, leather, oil, soap, wool Markets and Fairs = formed to sell goods Taxes began on goods that were sold Armed guards protected merchants Turned into social events
Barter Economy: Good and services exchanged for other goods and services – NO money Market Economy: Money - Land, labor, and capital are controlled by individuals persons Domestic System: goods were made in homes Jews became bankers (no other jobs for them) Bills of Exchange: Notes used in place of money