Communication 200 Media Narratives Introductory Comments and Definitions Kristine Samuelson Byron Reeves
Course Comments n C200 is an experiment n Kris and Byron had fun planning it n What do we all have in common? n “Narrative” as organizing concept n Projects are main activities n Fitting this into your graduate program n Grades – there aren’t any (S/NC)
Why make or study media? They are important problems and opportunities n 6 hours a day (+) of our time n Compelling stories n Good (and plentiful) jobs n Artistic expression; community service; scientific curiosity n Media make money n Media determine who knows what n Media cause problems n Media shape childhood socialization n Primary method of selling n Primary source of entertainment n Media are important artifacts of culture
New media up the ante n There are more players and more money n Active interaction is possible n Personalization and customization n Can’t tell media from the real thing n Creation of different cultures
What’s new about media? n Digital convergence n Atoms vs. bits n San Francisco Chronicle vs. n Industrial convergence n Msft vs. NBC vs. MSNBC n Academic convergence n Where do you go in a university to learn about making and studying media?
Making Media n Dept of Communication n SUDAC n Engineering Design n HCI in Computer Science n CCRMA n Stanford Learning Lab n Graduate School of Business
Studying Media Social Psycho Bio Economics Political Sc Education Technology Media