The Framework for Teaching Understanding the Levels of Instructional Practice
Why explore the Framework for Teaching? Framework for teaching= 35% In-depth understanding is important ◦ At the heart of the Teacher Appraisal System ◦ Collegial and conversational nature builds teaching capacity and increases student achievement
Last Session Rubric included what we already know about effective instructional practice Sticky notes reflected what we see and hear and they aligned to the Danielson Framework Alignment validates what we already know
Levels Highly Effective Effective Needs Improvement or Developing Unsatisfactory What vocabulary is used differentiate between the levels?
Performance Levels: Key Words Use the Framework for Teaching Rubric Each person at the table choose one of 4 domains Scan the rubric language used to describe each component in the domain Individually list some ‘key words’ that characterize or describe each level Key words can be words you use or Danielson uses Use Handout B to record your answers
Performance Levels: Key Words Synthesize your thinking with your group and choose 2 key words that represent each level Record that on your Handout B Finally, write key words on one page each so that you have 4 pages in total Be prepared to share Highly Effective 1. 2.
UnsatisfactoryNeeds Improvement EffectiveHighly Effective Unsafe Oppositional None of the Time Attempts Awareness Some MostNearly always Metaphorically A non-swimmer. Someone who would drown. Basic swimmer. Can float. Knows the strokes. Can be competitive against other swimmers. Olympic level swimmer. Levels of Cognition Teacher Directed Student Directed