Bringing Peter, James and John Prayer in the Garden reveals: 1. Jesus did not desire to die 2.Jesus desired to be obedient Three prayers, three times apostles fell asleep
Judas received soldiers from high priest (John), armed with clubs and swords Judas pre-arranged signal is a kiss, “Hail Rabbi” Jesus asks “whom are you seeking” they answer “Jesus of Nazareth”; He states “I AM”, they fall to the ground (John)
Peter pulls a sword, asks if he should strike (Luke), he cuts off Machus’ ear, Jesus heals him Prophesy that no others would be harmed (John), and all fled Mark flees leaving his clothing (Mark) after he is grabbed
1.Taken to Annas’ home (John) 2.Taken to Caiphas’ home (Luke) 3.Taken before the Sanhedrin (Luke) 4.Taken before Pilate (1 st time) 5.Taken before Herod (Luke) 6.Taken before Pilate (2 nd time)
1.Taken to Annas’ home (John) 2.Taken to Caiaphas’ home (Luke) 3.Taken before the Sanhedrin (Luke) 4.Taken before Pilate (1 st time) 5.Taken before Herod (Luke) 6.Taken before Pilate (2 nd time)
Illegality of the Jewish trials: - All capitol offenses tried during daytime - Any false prophet must be tried by ALL members - Capitol offenses required one day for verdict - Witnesses must be absolutely verified - Only three penalties: stoning, burning, decapitation
Before Caiaphas & the counsel - The false witnesses (Proverbs 6:16) - The High Priest’s adjurement (Leviticus 5:1)
The abuse of Jesus - Beaten before the High Priest (Luke) - Struck, spit on and mocked before the Sanhedrin - Scourged before Pilate (John) - Beaten and mocked by the soldiers (Mark) - Mocked at the cross (Luke)
Spiritual success needs plans Successful plans need organization Spiritual success requires spiritual organization
Spiritual organization begins with setting priorities Spiritual organization sets smart goals
Setting the wrong priority: Luke 12:16-21
Setting the wrong priority: Luke 12:16-21 Setting a spiritual priority Matthew 6:19-20, 33
Jesus: an example of spiritual priorities The Father’s will above His own John 5:30 Matthew 26:39-42
Jesus: an example of spiritual priorities The Father’s will above His own John 5:30 Matthew 26:39-42 Putting on the Mind of Christ = Priorities Philippians 2:5-8
Specific Meaningful Action Oriented Realistic Timely
Specific Not “I am going to increase my knowledge” But “I am going to read my Bible regularly” “I am going to start a regularly Bible study” “I am going to attend EVERY study around”
Specific Not “I am going to pray more often” But “I am going to pray 30 minutes a day” “I am going to write lists for prayers” “I am going to pray weekly with others”
Specific Not “I am going to share the Gospel” But “I am going to ask my neighbor about church” “I am going to send a letter to someone” “I am going to memorize answers”
Specific Not “I am going to do more in the church” But “I am going to learn to lead a prayer” “I am going to prepare to teach a class” “I am going to be ready in class to comment”
Meaningful Will it genuinely accomplish the goal? Matthew 7: Reading the Bible WILL increase knowledge -Participating in studies WILL aid the church
Action Oriented Goals need to be things on which we can act 1 Peter 1:13 - We must have something to DO for our goal
Realistic We need to honestly assess our ability I Corinthians 12:6-9 Romans 12:6-8 - What are we able to accomplish?
Timely Without timeframes we do not act Nehemiah 2:6 -Read the Bible in a year -Invite a visitor to lunch one a month
Spiritual growth requires spiritual organization Spiritual organization begins with setting priorities Spiritual organization sets smart goals