What about gonorrhea?
I think you gave it to me because you was the last girl I had sex with ?
How when its caused by bacteria called Neiuseria gohorrhoeae. The bacteria can be passed from one person to anther through vaginal, oral or anal sex.
That’s why since you have gonorrhea you will feel a burning sensation, yellowish-green vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding between menstrual periods.
And since you said I gave it to you then you will be burning also with a yellowish-white discharge may ooze out of the urethra.
I went to the doctor’s they told me it will take 2 to 7 day’s after a person has been exposed
I had gonorrhea all my life I never wanted to tell you cause I really loved you and I didn’t know how to tell you only antibiotics can treat the infection
I promise I wont keep any secretes from you anymore Okay but I will stay abstain and wear condoms from now on.