A project devoted to the service of the senior citizens in our communities.
Since 1990 the number of adults over the age of 65 in America has increased from 3.1 million to 34.4 million. 1 in 8 Americans are over the age of 65. By 2030, the number of Americans over the age of 65 is predicted to double to over 70 million. Florida is 1 of the 11 states with the highest percentage of senior citizens. For the past two years the FASC State Project has been “Give a Child a Wish.” It was first implemented by Estero High School in 2006 and continued in 2007 by Belen Jesuit. Now, Pace High School feels that it is time to switch focus to the other end of the spectrum by “Serving the Seniors.” Not to mention…
-Senior Olympics- Activity ideas include a shuffleboard contest, chess tournament, Old Maid tournament, etc.
Senior citizens in your community gather for a bingo competition sponsored by your student council.
With your help we can turn this...
Into This!
Upon completion of your project, please send a detailed report with pictures to Thank you in advance for your participation and we look forward to hearing from you!