Group 1 Group Members Dr. Awad Mhmoud Eisa Dr. Ibrahim Ed Dukheri - Chairman Dr. Hassan Shakir Faisal Bashir Ahmed Fatima Ismail Ali Alawia Hassan Osman A/Rahim Salih Igbal A/Magid
Group 1 William Olami Aba Adil Ali Mhamed El Toum Dr. El Khier Khalafaflla Helen Lachur Rashid A/Aziz Musaad- Reporter Liz Kiff- Observer
Theme for Discussion Agriculture for Rural Poverty Alleviation
Objectives of the theme Discuss the rationale for stronger involvement of IFAD in Agriculture Sector Identify appropriate instruments and approaches for supporting smallholders Consider a more restricted geographic focus for future interventions in Sudan
Background 70% of Sudan population derive their economic livelihood from Agriculture Rainfed, Livestock, Range and Forestry receive least contribution from Government Among the 5 IFAD-funded projects only 2 project s have stated clearly the support of Rainfed Agricultural Services Little technical innovation has been developed by research institutions Vast geographic coverage with insufficient fund
Question 1 Given the comparative advantage of IFAD and the focus of other development organizations in Sudan, which agricultural sub- sectors could the Fund prioritize to enhance rural incomes and livelihoods? What are the agricultural sectors that show the highest concentration of poor smallholders but that also have strongest potential for agricultural development?
The traditional rainfed agriculture sector is high spotted and stressed by the group to be the major area for IFAD to reduce poverty among rural poor in Sudan, where it is received least and modest contribution from the government. Although the group has focused on rainfed agriculture sector, but there are certain opportunities for focus and highly impact engagement in irrigated agriculture sector must be considered by IFAD in particular improving capacities in resource management and scaling up of successes and good practices on water management, and a dialogue of polciy nature.
Question 2 What instruments/approaches should be used by IFAD and its development partners to improve participation of smallholders in competitive value chains? How can access by small farmers to inputs including yield-enhancing technologies, finances and outputs markets be improved?
Continuation in the establishment of community-based organizations as substantial and significant instruments for improving participation of smallholders in produce value chain. Capacity building and empowerment of government cadre at local level and interest groups at community level as well.
IFAD should continue using the Integrated Approach to deal with the great needs of rural poor specially the social requirements.
The priority should be given to set up facilities for technology transfer and to strengthen the capacities of existing agricultural services and delivery structures in order to have access to appropriate technologies. Maintain the informal credit (Village Sanduq) as an instrument and a vehicle to solve financial issues of the rural poor particularly women and build capacities of CBOs to have access to formal credit.
IFAD should contribute to improvement of the market efficiency through better marketing practices and improved infrastructure; promoting accountability through the market chain so as to ensure that smallholders get better value for product; and improving micro-processing to increase the product value.
Question 3. What targeting strategy should be adopted by IFAD to ensure that poor smallholders would benefit from activities of value chain development?
As a targeting strategy, IFAD should give priority for most deprived and disadvantaged communities as well as potential and power ones who could provide success for replication in other areas. Moreover, IFAD should coordinate with other development partners to keep away from duplication and overlapping.
Question 4. What are the criteria for defining a more restricted geographical focus of IFAD assistance in Sudan to maximize impact?
Neediness Readiness Geographic thematic focus
Question 5. What instruments should IFAD adopt to support adaptive research, extension and business advisory services? How can other donors be included in future operations to assist in the development of such instruments?
Direct institutional support is essential for adaptive research in terms of technical assistance, mobility and infrastructure. Facilitating the Linkage between local, national and international research and development institutions is necessary for information and knowledge sharing.
Improving research to development continuum - Extension technical support is needed in terms of developing field manuals and training materials for smallholders’ orientation, mobilization and adoption of new technologies. - Moreover, an institutional reform is needed to have more efficient and operational extension systems.
Mapping of the information and knowledge re/sources is necessary to provide most certainly valuable insights on the knowledge environment related to the key thematic areas. IFAD should develop a Partnership strategy with other donors for co-financing. This could help in future operations related to research and extension.
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