Prepare To Fill This In As A Class – Make Sure You Have Points Key Exam Question Focus – Section 5 Assess the reasons why William I was able to defeat opposition to his rule. How serious were the rebellions William I faced as king of England? Harold Mistakes Luck William’s Good Generalship
Warm Up If you want a sneak preview of what you are to be doing for the next few lessons then see the information that is around the room. Get your iPad out too. Key Exam Question Focus – Section 5 Assess the reasons why William I was able to defeat opposition to his rule. How serious were the rebellions William I faced as king of England?
Objectives 1)All of you will be able to describe some events that occurred from )All/Most of you will be able to explain some reasons as to why William was able to overcome opposition 3)All/Most of you will be able to explain how serious different rebellions were in their threat to William’s rule 4)All/Most/Some of you will be able to evaluate why William was able to overcome opposition and how serious the various revolts were including a ‘most fundamental’ point and a ‘most serious’ point. Key Exam Question Focus – Section 5 Assess the reasons why William I was able to defeat opposition to his rule. How serious were the rebellions William I faced as king of England?
Homework Listen to the podcasts and/or watch the videos from the lesson. Make sure you make a note of what they are so that you can find them at home e.g. A History of England Podcast Norman Walks Or read the study guide or a book that you are in possession of. Key Exam Question Focus – Section 5 Assess the reasons why William I was able to defeat opposition to his rule. How serious were the rebellions William I faced as king of England? If you do not put in extra effort outside of the classroom then you will not have time to create an effective presentation in the allotted time.
Reason 1 ___________________ Judgement Reason 2 ___________________ Judgement Reason 3 ___________________ Judgement Reason 4 ___________________ Judgement Assess reasons why William was able to defeat opposition to his rule
Rebellion(s) 1 ___________________ Judgement Rebellion(s) 2 ___________________ Judgement Rebellion(s) 3 ___________________ Judgement Rebellion(s) 4 ___________________ Judgement How serious were the rebellions faced by William as king of England?
1066 Despite winning the Battle of Hastings, William had not definitely won the country. Remaining English magnates elected Edgar the Aetheling as king and prepared to resist. William, with a significantly weakened army, refrained from a full frontal assault on London and instead his army circled London, pillaging, burning and stripping the surrounding country of supplies, thus denying it to London. He also secured the royal treasury from Winchester at this time. Eventually the magnates in London submitted, starting with Archbishop Stigand. William build a castle and had Archbishop of York Ealdred crown him (Stigand was not approved of by the Pope due to his pluralism).
1067 – Start and Middle To cement his position in England William seems to have attempted to create an Anglo-Norman state, promising reward to those that collaborated with the Normans. Waltheof, by then earl of Northhampton and son of the old Northumbrian earl Siward, was married to William’s niece Judith. William seems also to have promised the hand of one of his daughters to earl Edwin. One reason why William was able to receive the Papal banner for his invasion was probably because of the pluralism of Archbishop Stigand, however William recognised that he needed some important English magnates on his side if the kingdom were to be won and he controversially allowed Stigand to remain as Archbishop of Canterbury and Winchester at the same time.
My Task I will be the facilitator. I will answer any questions, I will explain anything and everything. I will ask questions of you and supervise debates. Your Task Prepare a presentation to show the rest of the group in your final lesson this half term. Each of the four lessons between now and then will include a 15minute long plenary and a 5-10 minute starter. This leaves you with minutes over 4 lessons to learn for yourself and prepare a presentation. This is a far easier version of what will happen at university. I will help as much as you require. Key Exam Question Focus – Section 5 Assess the reasons why William I was able to defeat opposition to his rule. How serious were the rebellions William I faced as king of England?
Key Exam Question Focus – Section 5 Assess the reasons why William I was able to defeat opposition to his rule. How serious were the rebellions William I faced as king of England? The Presentation You may work in pairs or threes but no more. You may choose to do your presentation live - you will be filmed. You may choose to pre-record your presentation and upload it before our final lesson. Your presentation should answer the two questions above. Your Notes You should record anything useful that helps you to answer the two questions in your notes for revision. A timeline of your own so that you have the events clear in your head is often a good place to begin. I would then try to find notes to answer Q1. I would then try to find notes to answer Q2. I would spend the fourth lesson making my presentation.
Plenaries for Sessions 1-4 on Study Section 5 – Debate 1.What do you think was the most serious threat that William faced ? 2.What do you think as the main reason that William was able to overcome the opposition to his rule? 3.What do you think was the most serious threat that William faced ? (NEED CLEAR EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT POINTS) 4.What do you think as the main reason that William was able to overcome the opposition to his rule? (NEED CLEAR EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT POINTS) Key Exam Question Focus – Section 5 Assess the reasons why William I was able to defeat opposition to his rule. How serious were the rebellions William I faced as king of England?