Draft example: Indicators for water supply reliability and storage projects Presented by Steve Roberts (Department of Water Resources, Storage Investigations)


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Presentation transcript:

Draft example: Indicators for water supply reliability and storage projects Presented by Steve Roberts (Department of Water Resources, Storage Investigations) Presented at the Performance Measures Workgroup 2/14/2006 Draft examples of revised framework: web- based communication product

Water Supply Reliability CALFED Objective: Improve Water Supply Reliability The mission of the CALFED Bay Delta Program is to develop a long-term comprehensive plan that will restore ecological health and improve water management for beneficial uses of the Bay Delta system. The diagram at the right shows the relationship between the 3 levels of indicators and policy, management and science. A series of web pages explains the policy, implementation and outcomes related to the goals of the CALFED Bay Delta program. Click on the arrows to the right or the list below to find out more about the overall program: What are the goals defined by policy makers and the resources allocated to reach them? How are the resources being implemented into actions? How are actions and other factors causing progress towards goals? Back to indicators home page

Increase Delta water supply reliability for ecosystem, agricultural, municipal and industrial uses by increasing supply, decreasing demand, and providing storage, transport and transfers so that supplies are able to meet demand in time and place. Hydrology Climate change Watershed Infrastructure Water operationsWtr rights/xfers Population Ag water use Eco needs M&I water use Outcomes Drivers Water supply reliability Costs Eco needs Water quality Other considerations Flood control Energy Recreation Reliability of deliveries Ability to meet increased demand Flexibility Sustainability Ability to respond to emergencies / catastrophes Quantified objectives (% met) Temperature Minimum flows Peak max flows for sediment Vegetation needs (cottonwoods) Improvements to delta salinity Improvements to delta DBPs Conceptual model: Supply Storage & Transport Demand Program elements: Storage Conveyance Water Use Efficiency Water Transfer Program Environmental Water Account Geographical model Integrated Regional Water Mgmt Plans System-wide: Water Supply Reliability Drivers and Outcomes: Cause and effect

Increase Delta water supply reliability for ecosystem, agricultural, municipal and industrial uses by increasing supply, decreasing demand, and providing storage, transport and transfers so that supplies are able to meet demand in time and place. Supply Storage & Transport Demand Precipitation & runoff Desalination Groundwater recharge Surface storage Groundwater storage Water transfers Water operations Conveyance Water use efficiency: Urban Agriculture Water Recycling Ecological water needs Outcomes Drivers Water supply reliability Hydrology Climate change Watershed Infrastructure Water operationsWtr rights/xfers Population Ag water use Eco needs M&I water use Costs Eco needs Water quality Other considerations Flood control EnergyRecreation Conceptual model System-wide: Water Supply Reliability

Introduction: The CALFED storage element includes planning studies for additional surface storage facilities and implementation of groundwater conjunctive management studies and projects. Goals: The goal of the Storage Program is to increase water supply reliability, improve water quality, and support ecosystem restoration through expanded storage capacity and increased operational flexibility. Surface Storage As shown in the map to the right there are five surface storage investigations uderway. Each investigation has specific objectives for one or more of the CALFED resource goals. The USBR and the DWR are jointly involved in all projects except for In-Delta where only DWR participates. Projects involving the USBR follow the NEPA process. Further study details are available for Shasta Lake, NODOS, In-Delta, Los Vaqueros and Upper San Joaquin River. Groundwater Conjunctive Management This aspect of the storage investigations is not covered in this presentation. Information on this aspect of the investigations is available at Links: The CALFED Record of Decision provides further detail on the scope of the surface storage investigations. In addition a Progress Report and timeline for the major steps of the investigation are available. Websites for the DWR and USBR provide additional details for each of the five studies including a description of the Common Assumptions used for the analysis. CALFED Storage Investigations Introduction

CALFED Storage Investigations Timeline

Scenario 1- Raise 6.5' Operate to optimize water supply Scenario 2 Raise 18' Operate to optimize water supply Scenario 3 Raise 18' Operate to optimize Water Supply and anadromous fish MODELS - CALSIM, CCVPM, LCPSIM, DSM2 etc………... Contract Deliveries Source Shifting Operational Flexibility Regulatory Commitments Improved Salinity, DO, DBP, bromate In-stream hydrograph Temperature Regulatory Commitments ADMIN SCIENCE ECONOMIC Outcomes Drivers CALFED Storage Investigations: Shasta Lake Water Resources Investigation Drivers and Outcomes: Cause and effect Water supply reliability Water Quality Ecosystem Other Infrastructure OperationsHydrology Climate change

Expansion of Shasta Lake can be achieved by raising the existing dam by 6.5 or 18 feet. The 6.5 foot expansion will increase the volume of the reservoir by 290,000 acre-feet and depending on year type, increase the yield between 40,000 and 60,000 acre-feet. The 18 foot raise will increase the volume of the reservoir volume by 630,000 acre-feet and depending on year type, increase the yield between 85,000 and 160,000 acre-feet. This figure shows the change in contract deliveries based on either a 6.5 or 18 foot dam raise operated to expand deliveries while meeting.... Other options for the use of an increase in Shasta Lake storage include... NOT REAL DATA FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY Water Supply Reliability: Shasta Lake Water Resource Investigation Outcome indicator (predicted): Contract deliveries Data sources USBR, SWP historical delivery records, CALSIM II 2006 baseline model run.