State College
Home of the Nittany Lions
Population of 42 thousand people
The average person throws away 1,900 lbs of trash a year.
On average, State College produces 79,800,000 lbs of trash a year!
State Colleges response
Their recycling program
With the program the average person now recycles ¼ of their yearly waste amount!
Small town only fifteen minutes from State College
Population of 1,200
Has no recycling program, so waste reduction can be made!
But is it possible for a small town to make such a big difference?
Graftons recycling program
Pay As You Throw (PAYT)
If Milesburg burrough cannot afford a recycling program like State Colleges, there are alternatives.
It is possible.
Like this FaceBook page to show the Milesburg Borough that you want to make a difference
Go Green.