Taiga! Taiga! By: Jennifer, Meredith, and Mary
Taiga Also known as the Boreal Forest Also known as the Boreal Forest Winds bring the arctic cold down during the winter Winds bring the arctic cold down during the winter 10% of the worlds dry land 10% of the worlds dry land
Climate Humid,50-70% of precipitation evaporates Humid,50-70% of precipitation evaporates Average rainfall of inches Average rainfall of inches Temperatures range from -65° F to 70°F Temperatures range from -65° F to 70°F Summers(4 months) average about 50° F Summers(4 months) average about 50° F
Climate Con.
Typical Flora and Fauna Pine, hemlock, fir, spruce, cedar, Coniferous trees Pine, hemlock, fir, spruce, cedar, Coniferous trees Moose, elk, beavers, snowshoe hairs, grizzly bears, wolves, lynxes, marten, voles, chipmunks, shrews, and bats Moose, elk, beavers, snowshoe hairs, grizzly bears, wolves, lynxes, marten, voles, chipmunks, shrews, and bats
General Latitudes 45 th – 57 th usually 45 th – 57 th usually Below arctic Below arctic
Common Plants; Balsam Fir Balsam Fir Abies balsameaAbies balsamea
Black Spruce Black Spruce Picea marianaPicea mariana
White poplar White poplar Populus albaPopulus alba
Eastern Red Cedar Eastern Red Cedar Juniperus virginianaJuniperus virginiana
Jack Pine! Jack Pine! Pinus banksianaPinus banksiana