What was one thing you found interesting of the roles in which you read yesterday (maiden, squire, peasant or page)
Most important achievement during middle ages was converting Europeans to Christianity 597 CE St. Augustine was sent to Britain to convert the Anglo- Saxons Priests main jobs Hold mass Perform the seven sacraments- the sacred rites of the church which would lead them to salvation People who didn’t convert where viewed as suspicious
Monasteries Where men became monks Convents Where women became nuns Rules for monks and nuns Benedictine Rules Created by Benedict in 530 CE 3 Vows Obedient to head of convent or monastery (abbots/abbess Poverty—work in fields Chastity—purity Worship, work, study—daily life of monks and nuns with-cynthia-bourgeault/
Papal Supremacy– authority over all secular leaders (Kings, nobles) Pope had bishops become nobles who controlled land and armies Papal States created—land in Italy which the Pope controlled Canon Laws—Laws established based on religious teachings Wills, marriage, morals
Punishments for breaking Canon Laws Excommunication– not receive the sacraments or Christian burial– automatically go to hell Interdict– a whole village/kingdom not receive sacraments or Christian burial. Usually led in common people revolts
Corruption fell on the church Religious figures started to gain wealth and spent more time on families Solving the Corruption Pope Gregory VII Pope would get to choose Bishops, not Kings Henry IV was excommunicated for this reason Outlawed marriage St. Francis of Assisi Poverty, humility and love of God
New technology/Increase production Iron Plow Rotating fields Legumes—replenish fields peas/beans Trade routes expanded Constantinople—shipped to Venice Silk- China Gold- Byzantium Spices- Asia Northern Europe honey, furs, cloth, tin and lead
During summer months caravans of merchants traveled selling their goods (Trade Fairs) During the winter months the caravans of merchants waited near castles. These settlements eventually spurred town and cities Charters- document set out the rights and privileges of the town Usually merchants had to pay a fee to set up shop in the town Anybody who lived in the town for one year, was considered free
Banks started to form Partnerships—merchants joining together for a joint adventure which was too expensive for one individual Serfs became tenant farmers– farmers who paid rent or were hired farm laborers. Kings needed money to buy fine goods, so they needed rent from serfs. Serfs were either paid or allowed to sell their product to earn money
Middle class Group of people between peasants and nobles Bankers, merchants, skilled workers Guilds– Merchant and artisan associations Protect economic interests Passing taxes Set prices Protected the quality Had to be part of the guild to work that particular trade
Becoming a Guild Member Apprentice—trainee Age 7-8 Not paid Was given food/housing Taught by guild master for 7 years. Became a Guild Master or a Journeyman– Salaried worker
Growth of Towns Started grow outside the walls of the castles Overcrowding of people Multi levels homes were being built (shops on lower levels) Narrow streets Fires were a big threat Garbage/waste thrown into streets