The Clinton Years
1992 election Bill Clinton 43% George Bush 38% H. Ross Perot 19% Governor of Arkansas, William (Bill) Jefferson Clinton became 42 nd President. om/watch?v=7ffbFvKlW qE om/watch?v=7ffbFvKlW qE
Healthcare reform Healthcare Reform was attempted but failed. First Lady, Hillary Clinton took the lead on this effort but congress did not bring the bill to a vote.
nafta North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)- Brought about free trade between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.
terrorism World Trade Center bombing Oklahoma City federal building killed 168. Timothy McVeigh, Gulf War veteran found guilty and sentenced to death. om/watch?v=l08zD9Pn 1jk om/watch?v=l08zD9Pn 1jk Two students at Columbine High School killed 17 and wounded 23 of their fellow students. They then shot themselves.
1996 Election Clinton beat Bob Dole Welfare Reform put the responsibility on the states instead of the federal government U.S. government had a budget surplus for the first time in 30 years. The crime rate in the 1990s dropped throughout the decade since Clinton’s election. The U.S. experienced a booming economy also during the Clinton Presidency.
scandal Kenneth Starr is tasked with investigating a real estate deal of the Clinton’s called Whitewater for improprieties. During the investigation, an affair between the president and an intern, Monica Lewinsky was discovered.
In 1998 the president admitted to the affair. Congress brought impeachment charges against him but he was not convicted. om/watch?v=HV7zqaKH Y3Y om/watch?v=HV7zqaKH Y3Y om/watch?v=d8MlJRfeT Ck om/watch?v=d8MlJRfeT Ck
2000 election Al Gore (Clinton’s VP) 50, 996, 582 votes 48.4% 265 electoral votes George W. Bush (Governor of TX) 50, 456, 062 votes 47.9% 271 electoral votes
Florida Recount in Florida due to razor thin win for Bush Voter irregularities found especially in Palm Beach County as voters were confused by ballots. Many ballots were found to be invalid but not in a consistent manner.
Election was decided by the Supreme Court who ruled 5-4 to stop Florida recounts. Gore conceded election to Bush the next day on December 12, om/watch?v=KWETjjTni Wo om/watch?v=KWETjjTni Wo