Unit 4 Seminar Nicole Heim, MPH, REHS Health Law, Policy, and Ethics and Population Health Future
Reminder for Seminar There is an 8 second delay. Questions… Type ??? before a question so I see it.
Unit 5 Assignment Due June 21 st by 11:59 PM MST in the Dropbox Please follow the guidelines closely Any questions?
Overview Health law and policy Bioethics Emergency Preparedness Systems thinking
Health Law and Policy What is it? What is it supposed to do? Current events in health policy
Bioethics How does public health balance the rights of individuals and the needs of society? Quarantine Isolation Priority distribution of medication in emergency
Emergency Preparedness All hazards approach NIMS ICS Problems with quick implementation
Systems Thinking Looking at the entire system and interrelationships HACCP National production chain Local foods
Questions? AIM: nicolerheim Can contact any time I am online. Phone: Best time to call is in the evening.