THE POLICY OF CONTAINMENT Objectives… 1) Compare & contrast the leadership styles of Presidents Roosevelt & Truman.
FDR dies on April 12 th, 1945… Vice President Truman becomes the President of the U.S. Truman takes the oath of office…
10) Roosevelt / Truman
THE POLICY OFCONTAINMENT Objective… - I & E the components of the Containment Policy.
Containment A doctrine in which military, economic & diplomatic strategies would be used to stop the spread of communism. In 1946, George Kennan an American diplomat in Moscow proposed “containment.”
Containment 3) What were Kennan’s views in dealing with the Soviet Union? 2) The Truman Doctrine
The Truman Doctrine Speech Listen for the… –The goal?... –The justification?…
4) What was the Marshall Plan? The U.S. provides aid to all European nations to help them rebuild. The main goal was to stop the spread of communism in western Europe.
Soviet reaction to the Marshall Plan…
THE POLICY OF CONTAINMENT Objective… Evaluate Truman’s success in enforcing the Containment Policy.
The Berlin Crisis 5) Operation Vittles… Who started the “crisis?”… Where?... When?... Why?...
The Berlin Airlift
The Results of the Berlin Airlift No food & fuel for 2M West Berliners 327 days 277,000 flights…. 2.3M tons of cargo Stalin lifts the blockade in May, 1949
The Berlin Blockade
7) The Warsaw Pact… 6) North Atlantic Treaty Organization …
17) General Douglas MacArthur
The Cold War in Asia 9) The main goal of the reconstruction in Japan? 10) What reforms did the interim government bring to Japan?
11) Explain the origins of the conflict that developed in China after WW II. Summary Notes: The Chinese Civil War… Communists (Leader: Mao Zedong) had been fighting the Nationalists (Leader: Chaing Kai-shek) for decades in China… The U.S. had support the Nationalists/ Chiang-Kai-Shek. The civil war subsided during the WW II Japanese invasion Kai-shek becomes unpopular by taxing the poor farmers…Mao became popular by helping the peasant farmers the Nationalist government collapses flees to Taiwan Mao establishes the People’s Republic of China
12) Nationalists Leader: Chiang Kai-shek 12) Communists: Leader: Mao Zedong
The Cold War in Asia 13) What event in 1950 heightened CW tensions & created the perception of an “international communist conspiracy?”
In 1950 the USSR and the People’s Republic of China signed the SINO-SOVIET PACT. This agreement created a mutual defense commitment, settled boundary issues and the Soviets agreed to give China aid.
Atomic Diplomacy 14) Bernard Baruch’s proposal to the UN Atomic Energy Commission? The Soviets response… 15) The Atomic Energy Commission (1946)…
Atomic Diplomacy The U.S… 1946: 13 bombs …1949: 50 bombs “a stockpile capable of… reproducing WW II in a single day”
Atomic Diplomacy August, 1949:The Soviets test an atomic bomb… “There is only one thing worse than one nation having the atomic bomb”… “that’s two nations having the atomic bomb” - H. Urey – Nobel Prize Scientist
Atomic Diplomacy 16) What situation was created by the overall failure to develop an international atomic policy…
Nuclear test site in the 1950s…
Castle Bravo, Bikini Atoll – March, 1954 Upshot Knothole Badger Test – NV April,1953 Upshot Knothole Test Badger, NV May, 1953 Buster Dog Test, NV Nov, 1951