Jonestown, Guyana. Bibi Cornejo Borthwick Ms. Carell January 2009.
People’s Temple Jim Jones, an Indionapolis preecher, founded the Peoples Temple ( a cult in Jonestown ) in The Peoples Temple initially was founded in Indianapolis, then relocated to California and then to Jonestown.
Social services Jones & the people’s Temple were recognized for aiding the poverty stricken people of the cities they They traveled to. They were also known for helping Drug addicts, racial minorities and the homeless. Their reputation lead them to withhold a Connection with California’s state welfare system.
"The Letter Killeth, but the Spirit Giveth LIFE" The peoples temple studied “apostolic socialism.” In Guyana they were able to establish their socialistic commune. Jones believed the Temple was made up of the purest communists. The Population Increased When they Relocated to Jonestown.
Utopia in Guyana ? Jones promised the Temple that their move to Guyana would be the closest place to a utopia. The people of the temple lived very organized lives. They would work from 6:30 am to 6 pm. With only an hour to eat lunch. They had to work 6 days of the week. After work they were directed to a building in which they interacted in socialistic activities and classes.
Disciplinary ways Children were placed in a “torture hole” when they acted up, as well as being beaten. The children referred to Jones as their father.
Teachings Jim Jones created an intimate communist community. Members of the peoples temple were dedicated to socialism. Jim Jones thought of the Peoples Temple as a Utopic community because everyone was equal.
The Concerned Relatives In mid 1977, and early 1978 relatives of various members of the PT gathered together in meetings to discuss their concerns. They called themselves the “concerned relatives.” They collaborated with Tim Stoen to write a letter to the sec. of state to send to the government in Guyana. They then traveled to Washington to attempt an investigation on the Peoples Temple. Jones then went to an assassination theorist for help. Together they put together a case of “good conspiracy.”
Why the initial move ? Jim Jones decided to move to Guyana in order to escape America’s capitalism He wanted to escape the censorship of the People’s temple’s ideas. He could practice Marxism freely in Jonestown. Jones wanted to live a communal life, America’s negative press about the People’s Temple was stopping him for actively practicing communism.
Investigation In November of 1978, the Congressman of N. California announced he would travel to Jonestown to investigate. On November 14, 1978 he traveled with 18 other people to further investigate those living in Jonestown.(Some of which were the concerned relatives.) Jim Jones chose to refuse their welcome into Jonestown. Leo Ryan (Congressman of California) disregarded Jones and showed up anyways. He entered Jonestown on November 17 th.
Bringing the People together Jim Jones rejected the Bible, he wrote “Letter Killeth.” He created a church, here he preached to the PT. He also spoke about his socialist ideas. He Often made references of Korean dictators, as well as Hitler. He referred to the Soviet Union as their “motherland.”
What happened to Utopia ? "The ones that they take captured, they're gonna just let them grow up and be dummies.” 30 years ago 909 members of the Peoples Temple lost their life to what is now remembered as the “Jonestown Massacre.” Jim Jones prepared the “Flavor Aid.” It was a concoction poisoned with Valium, chloral hydrate, and cyanide. The Peoples temple listended to what Jones called his “death tape.” It asked for them to commit revolutionary suicide. "you can go down in history, saying you chose your own way to go, and it is your commitment to refuse capitalism and in support of socialism.”-Jim Jones
The Dystopia of Jim Jones The poisoned cause death within only five minutes. “The events at Jonestown constituted the greatest single losses of American civilian life in a non-natural disaster until the incidents of September 11, 2001.” Some of the members were able to escape. Jones Later shot himself in the head. Jim Jones believed this mass- murder would give the commune the strength to continue functioning.