This is the happy home of the Note Family. Mr. Note, his wife, Mrs. Note, and their three children live happily in this house in the middle of Music Town. They also have some good friends who like to visit. The family is so excited that you have come to visit. Come in so that you can meet everyone! With Vicki Aubele
Here is Mr. Whole Note. A whole note is made up of 4 beats in a measure. It looks like this: Lets clap a whole note, while we count the beats…. Ready? Great Job!!!
This is Mrs. Half Note. A half note is made up of 2 beats in a measure. Two half notes make one whole note. It looks like this: Lets clap two half notes while we count the beats… Ready? Awesome!
Meet brother Quarter Note. A Quarter Note is made up of 1 beat in a measure. Two quarter notes make one half note. It looks like this: Let’s clap four quarter notes while we count the beats… Ready? Good Job!!
Say Hello to sister Eighth Note. Fabulous! An eighth note is just ½ of a beat. (Instead of counting , count ) Two eighth notes make one quarter note. It looks like this: Let’s clap four eighth notes while we count the beats… Ready?
Finally, meet Baby Sixteenth Note. A sixteenth note is ¼ of a beat in a measure. (Instead of counting , count 1 e + a 2 e + a) Two sixteenth notes make up one eighth note. It looks like this: Let’s clap four sixteenth notes while we count one beat… Ready? 1 e + a Wonderful!
We also have some friends called rests. Quarter Rests last as long as quarter notes do. They look like this: Whole Rests last as long as whole notes do. They look like this: Rests are like notes except they don’t make any sound. A rest makes silence in a measure. Mr. Whole Rest Mr. Quarter Rest
The Note family are very glad that you came to visit, but now it is time for them to head off to meet King Bass clef and Queen Treble clef for dinner.