Anne Frank By Samantha
Introduction Anne Frank is an important girl. She died at a very young age. Her diary plays a very important part in her life.
Her Life Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt Germany on June 12, Ten years after she was born WWII started. She had to leave her school because Hitler wanted all the Jews to go to a different school as the non Jewish people. Her family had to go into hiding because they were Jewish. Hitler was the leader of Germany and he did not like Jewish people.
Life in the Annex The Franks had a secret compartment called the annex. It was behind their house so the Nazi soldiers could not see them inside it. When the Franks were packing up to leave they realized that the Nazis would wonder why they had bags with clothes in them, so they had to wear all the clothes that they were going to bring in the annex. In Anne's diary it said that she wore 2 under shirts, 1 dress, 1 skirt, 1 coat, 1 rain coat, 2 pairs of stockings, heavy shoes, 1 cap, 1 scarf, and a lot more. When they got in there they had to unpack. Anne was very bored so she just talked. The soldiers came in the house so everyone in the annex had to be quiet. No one could talk, use the restroom, or do anything that would make noise. Anne did not want to just sit around so she wrote in her diary. She never got to go outside or look out the windows. She wished that she could go outside and smell the fresh air. They Nazis found them in the Annex and arrested them in August 1944.
Her Diary When Anne turned thirteen years old her parents got her a diary. In the annex she wrote what it was like in there and how she felt at times. After the war was over, her dad went back to the annex and found her diary. He started showing everyone and published it. They made the Frank house a museum.
Her Death Anne had a very sad death. Anne and her sister became very ill and died in March 1945 in the camp. Two months later, the war ended.
Conclusion Anne Frank had a very sad life. We are lucky that she left her diary so that we can learn about a kid who almost survived the Holocaust.
Sources Anne Frank By Laura Hamilton Waxman